She'll always be our first

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"What do you want to do today, princess?" Justin asks Kay after chasing her through the house and sitting her next to me on the couch "We want to do something fun before your brother gets here."

"Beach!!" She yells excitedly. Any chance she gets to play in the sand or water she takes. Justin and I look at each other for agreement. He seems to like the idea, and I'm too pregnant to fly, but I'm fine if we drive somewhere.

"Okay," I get up and take her hand "We have to go get ready, which means you need a bath." She doesn't like this idea and stops walking "We can always stay here and not do anything..." this makes her get up and run to her room getting her towel.

I look for everything we might need for the day while Justin gives Kay her bath. Before having her we would have just picked up and left, but now I have to pack 100 different things. I grab our sunscreen, an extra bathing suit for her, her swimming diapers some baby power and snacks. I also grab a few band aids because of the freak out that I know she'll end up having if she gets an imaginary cut. Justin is getting her dressed in her bathing suit when I walk by her room and she looks so cute.

"Momma swim too?" She asks noticing that I don't have a bathing suit on, but Justin does.

"Yeah, I'm gonna swim too, I just have to go get changed." I leave the bag with Justin and go to our room to find a bathing suit that still fits. Luckily I find one so I put it on and grab a cover up then meet Justin and Kay in the car. We drive to Courteney's beach house that she's letting us use for the private beach area and Kay gets excited when she sees it.

"We here?!?" She jumps around in her seat asking. Justin laughs as he pulls up the driveway "We're here!" He yells back to her. She tries her best to unbuckle herself before Justin or I can get to her, but fails and pinches her finger, which makes her cry.

"Honey, you need to wait for us and things like this wont happen." I hold her for a little until she is calmed down, and wipe the tears off her face "Are you ready to go in the water now?"

"Yeah!" She jumps out of my arms and runs to the sand, but stops when she realizes how hot it is. "Daddy!!" She yells putting her arms up knowing that Justin will carry her to wherever she wants to go. He hands me the bag and runs up to her picking her up making her laugh and me smile. I could watch these cute moments between them forever. He carries her right into the ocean holding her as she plays around since she doesn't have floaties on yet, and she's laughing uncontrollably having lots of fun.

"Momma swim now!" She yells out to me giving me her best puppy dog eyes knowing I can't resist them. I grab her floaties and join her and Justin in the water watching her swim around. She jumps up and down in the water because she likes the way the water looks when she splashes. I feel Justin wrap his arms around me resting his hands on my belly "Hopefully next year we can bring this one too. It's hard being outnumbered by you and her." I laugh knowing that he doesn't care about that. We could have 5 girls and they would all be his princesses. Kay pulls Justin away from me so that he can play with her, and I move to a towel that I have laying out. This trip reminds me of a time Justin and I went to a beach. We didn't have Kay, I wasn't 7 months pregnant, and we were 17.

I sit in the sand wrapped up in Justin's arms watching the waves crash against the shore. The sound is so soothing that I never want it to end. The breeze makes us cuddle together closer for warmth, and I feel like I'm right where I belong in his arms. There's nowhere else I'd rather be.

"Hey, let's do something fun," Justin suggests picking me up. He walks to where the water meets the sand and stands there for a while like he's thinking of what to do. I squirm around in his arms knowing what his idea is. He wants to drop me in the ocean. Or so I thought. He starts walking faster and once he gets deep enough lowers me so that the ice cold water is hitting me with every step he takes.

"Get me out of here! This is cold!" I complain, but he just thinks it's funny. I feel his grip on me start to get looser and soon I'm dropped in the water floating around. I pull myself so I'm standing up and Justin is laughing at me. "You're such an asshole!" I joke splashing him with water. He chases after me splashing back, and we start play fighting making other people look at us weird. We don't even pay attention to them and instead continue our little moment of acting like kids again.

"Are you building a big castle?" I ask Kay who is now sitting next to me playing with her sand toys. She already has Justin's feet covered and is now working on what I'm thinking is a sand castle.

"Yeah, for me." She replies while concentrating on her creation. Justin and I watch her as she tries very hard to put details in the castles, but every time it doesn't work or falls a little she gets mad and gives up on that part.

"Do you want me and momma to help you?" Justin asks her after a while. She says yes and we try our best to build her the best sand castle ever.

"My room!" She points to a little dent in the castle. She then finds 2 more dents pointing them out to us "Your room and baby room." She's proud that she pointed it all out to us, and we like that she's including the baby.

"Are you excited to meet your little brother?" Justin asks her and she climbs up on my resting her head on my belly like she loves doing "Yeah."

I couldn't be happier that she's excited to meet him, and is always saying she wants to help with him. She'll always be our first baby.

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