She's worth everything

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I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach that lingers lasting about 30 seconds. I sit up quickly and wake Justin who almost falls out of bed.

"Do you have your bag ready?" He asks as he picks it up. I nod. Another contraction hits and I lean onto the bed to relax. Justin walks over and rubs my back and we wait until it's over and go out to the car.

I sit up in the seat propping my head up against the window. With each contraction I squeeze Justin's hand. They aren't too painful yet, but I can't get comfortable at all.

We finally get to the hospital and Justin gets me checked in. The nurse gives me a gown to change into so I change and walk out to lay in bed trying to get comfortable.

"I guess we're gonna be here for a while." I sigh as I feel another contraction. The pain is starting to get worse and they're getting closer and closer.

He reaches out for my hand and rubs it "Maybe we won't be. You could be farther along than we think."

I laugh a little at his anxiousness doubting that he's right. I hope he is, but it could very well be long. We watch the TV for a while waiting for the nurse to come and check me. After about an hour she comes and tells me to our surprise that I'm already at 7 and it shouldn't be too much longer. I fall asleep shortly after she leaves trying to pass some time.

Justin is still sitting next to me now with one hand on my stomach to feel Kayleigh as she moves around and kicks and the other holding his phone texting. I woke up because of another contraction and realize that I've been sleeping over an hour.

"How are you feeling?" He asks concerned.

"I've been better." I lay on my back and grab my phone. There's 20 texts and mostly all of them are from Courteney asking me how I'm doing. I text her back that I'm fine and it hopefully won't be much longer. Just as I'm putting my phone down my doctor walks in along with the nurse.

The doctor looks at the contraction counter papers looking to see how strong and frequent they are "It looks like you're very close." She walks over to check me and looks up and Justin and I "You're at 10 now. As soon as we have everything set up you can start pushing."

I look from her to Justin shocked. I really didn't think that it would be this fast. He looks back at me hopeful knowing I can do this, but truthfully I'm scared.

"Okay, you can start any time now." The doctor takes her place at my feet. I grab Justin's hand and push.

I push as long as I can before I give up. The pain is unbearable and she isn't even crowning yet. Justin leans over and moves my hair out of my face "You're doing really good." He tells me for what seems like the 100th time "Just a few more pushes. She'll be here soon."

Another contraction comes and I try my hardest to push through the agonizing pain. It feels like bones shattering. Next time I'm getting an epidural. I take a break and lay back in the bed but feel burning right away and sit up to push again. This time, I feel a lot of movement.

"Her head is almost out. Just one more push." The doctor finally tells me. I sigh of relief and lay back to wait until my next contraction. It only takes a minute before I'm pushing again. I squeeze Justin's hand as I push as hard as I can and I finally feel her come out. I fall back on the bed and they lay her on my chest right away.

Justin leans down to get a better look at her and I've never seen him more happy or excited about anything. I pick her up to get a better look and right away all the pain goes away and I forget everything that just happened. She's so beautiful and I can't believe Justin and I made her.

"Congratulations!" The nurse says as she cleans her off "She's beautiful!"

"Thank you." Justin says for both of us not taking his eyes off of her. The same nurse walks over a few minutes later with birth certificate papers "Do you have a name?"

I look up long enough to answer her "Yeah, Kayleigh Rachel Theroux."

She fills out everything she needs to and gives Justin and I what we need then leaves the room along with the doctor giving us some time alone. We both lay squished in my bed looking down at the beautiful creation we made together thinking about all the new surprises life is going to throw at us.

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