Time for a change

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"Justin we have to go!" I yell up the stairs. We have to sign for our new house today. I'm now almost 5 months pregnant, and lucky the baby is very healthy, but is big. I feel huge, and I know I am, but Justin won't admit it to me.

"Let's go." He runs down the stairs out to the car. I follow him and he drives the 30 minutes to our new house. It's going to be a little farther than we'd like from our families, but we really wanted to have somewhere that our kids can grow up and not be too worried about the paparazzi. We want them to be able to go for ice cream or play outside with their friends. It's close enough to LA so we can still work in this area. We pull up to a beautiful big stone house. It's private with a long driveway and big front and back yard. The pool in the back has a waterfall in it that the kids are going to love, and there is even a small guest house for family. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside with high ceilings, a huge fireplace in the living room, a beautiful kitchen, and 4 bedrooms upstairs for all of us. There's even a smaller room that we can use as a playroom for the kids. They haven't seen it yet, but I know they're going to love it when they do.

"I just need each of you to sign these papers and then the house is yours!" The realtor hands us all the papers we need. We're standing in what will be our kitchen and I'm so excited to get done with all of this. As soon as we get the keys it's finally our house, and I can live in a house that isn't full of boxes.

She takes out the keys from her bags and hands them to us "Congratulations! You picked a beautiful house." We take the keys and thank her, then walk around deciding what all we want to do.

"Well I should call Seb and Hailey to bring the kids awhile," Justin pulls out his phone "Their beds are ready, right?" I nod my head and he calls. We wanna get moved in soon, so we're hoping we can get most of it done today. Hopefully with the help of Sebastian and his girlfriend we can at least get the important stuff done.

"I think I'm gonna call Sherry, she can watch the kids and my dad can help." I dig around in my purse looking for my phone. Once I find it I call and they agree to help. All we need now are for the movers to bring the couches and our beds and we can do the rest.

"Look, Kay, this is gonna be your room!" I lead her to what will be her new bedroom "You get to help decorate it." She looks excited but wants to keep exploring.

She walks out of her room and over to the room that is right next to ours "That Ben's room?" Justin is in the room setting up the crib and Ben is "helping" him. It's going to be the new baby's room, but we haven't told her about the baby yet.

"No, honey that's the new baby's room." I follow her into the room where she sits with Justin and Ben "You're going to have a new brother or sister." I pick up Ben and he lays his head on my belly. It's been his favorite pillow for a month now, but he has no idea what it is.

"Where is it?" Kay asks Justin and I.

Justin puts her in his lap and takes her hand putting it on my belly so she can feel the baby move around "It's in there." Kay looks surprised, but moves her hand around and the baby starts to kick her. She likes this and does it for awhile.

"Why her hit me?" She asks curiously. I guess she's ready decided it's a girl.

"Because, that's the way babies talk to you." I watch as she tries to get her hands to cover my whole belly at once and laugh. She's cute.

We want to keep working on the house, but neither of us have the heart to ask her to stop.

"Kay, are you going to help paint your room?" Justin asks so we can move on "You get to pick the color!"

"I want Ariel!" She gets up jumping around way too excited about this. She recently decided that her favorite princess is Ariel, so we should have expected this.

"Well," I think about it "I guess we can do sea blue walls and some wall stickers." It should be a fun room to work on. We've decided that Ben's room is going to be cars themed since he loves his toy cars. Our room is going to be coral, and the baby's is a light grey since we don't know the gender yet.

Justin and I leave to buy the paint and other needed supplies leaving the kids with my parents to run around the house. The paparazzi are having a field day following us around since we just announced the pregnancy. They're all trying to get the first picture of me. Justin is very pissed off about how they're acting. He doesn't like when they get close to the kids or I.

"What about this blue for Kay?" I hold up a sample of a nice sea blue color. He agrees so we pick out a light green for Ben's room and then all the other colors. We have a hard time finding the stickers, so Justin asks someone to show us.

"I think we have other ocean themed stickers along that wall, too." The worker points to another aisle. We thank him and start looking for what we need.

"What does Ariel look like?" Justin asks. He's completely oblivious to what he's looking for "She's the red head, right?" I nod my head laughing at him and grab a few packs of stickers with letters so that we can put their names on the walls. We grab some other ocean themes stickers and I grab a bunch of car and road themed things and then we go to looks at pillows and sheets.

"Look, these would be cute in their rooms!" I hold up some pillows that are perfect for them. Justin nods his head so I put them in the cart and he picks out some sheets for the two of them. He tries his best to find them so they go along with the themes. When we're done with their room we work together on finding stuff for our room.

"These are fluffy!" Justin hits me with a pillow. He's acting like a little kid in a candy store and not helping me much "Let's get the fluffy ones." He just wants to get out of here. I grab a bunch of the fluffy pillows and then walk towards the sheets. He grabs the first set that he sees and we pay and leave the store. We have too much to get done at home to be worried about this anyway.

"Okay, dad and Sherry you watch them, Hailey you do Kay's room, Sebastian you're doing Ben's and we're doing ours." I give everyone their jobs. We decided that we're only going to have Kay help with stickers because if we want this to get done we need to hurry.

Justin is painting our actual bedroom and I'm painting our bathroom. He's already complaining about how he thinks the color I picked out is too girly and that it's not fair.

"You could always paint the bathroom," I know he hates that idea "I'm perfectly fine with painting the bedroom."

He quickly shoots down my idea "No, the bedroom is too much work for you to do." He tries using the pregnancy as an excuse. I laugh and continue to paint so that we can be done. We won't be able to sleep in our rooms because of the paint smell, so we're all going to sleep in the living room tonight which should be fun.

"Put the fish wherever you want them." I help Kay decorate her room since the walls are dry. Hailey did a great job and it's turning out like we hoped it would. Kay carefully puts the fish wall stickers all over the room and tells me when she wants them somewhere she can't reach. I hang up the big sticker of Ariel in the middle of the room then get the stickers for her name ready.

"I help, mommy!" Kay jumps up on her bed next to me holding the letter stickers. I have her hand them to me as I stick them on the wall, and she gets excited because she loves helping.

"Let's go see what daddy and Ben are doing." I lead her to Ben's room where Justin is trying his best to put up the stickers. Ben is just running around his room with his binky in his mouth trying to hide the stickers from Justin. He looks like he's having a lot of fun, but Justin looks like he's ready to give up.

"Buddy can you please give them to me?" He pleads with Ben who turns out to be very bad at hiding things. I pick up the stickers from the middle of the room where he "hid" them and hand them to Justin so we can finish the room. Kay helps Ben put up a few of the car stickers, and then I watch Justin help them with the road while I'm supposed to be working on his name. Justin has the end of the sticker with one hand and is holding Ben in the other letting him help hang it. Kay has the other end and is trying her best to make it straight.

"Mommy!" She yells over to me for help. I quickly finish what I was doing and go over to help them. We finish Ben's room soon after, and all I want to do is sleep, but the kids want to swim, so I sit on the deck and watch them and Justin play in the pool.

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