Awkwardness and Kimmel

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Justin's POV
Brad. Brad Pitt is sitting at the table right next to me. I'm waiting for Jen to join me, but she's taking her time.

"I'll have the soup, and when my wife gets here she'll have the salad." I hand the waitress the menus and she leaves. Once again, I'm left alone with Brad.

"You waiting for Jen?" He asks. No, idiot I'm waiting for my secret wife and just said it publicly.

"Yeah, she's busy with the kids and the house, we just moved." I try to play it cool like this isn't one of the most awkward moments ever.

He sits quiet for a few seconds like he's done, but he isn't "How is she? I heard she's been really sick." Where did he read that?

"She's 6 months so she hasn't been feeling her best, but she's not really sick." Why is he asking about this? Does he really care? "How are Angelina and the kids?"

"They're good, they're actually away right now." He looks like he doesn't know how to react to all of this either, and I notice him look outside "Looks like Jen's here." Thank God.

"Hey, babe." She walks up and kisses me "I was talking to my dad and didn't realize how late it was." She then realizes who is at the table next to us "Oh, hi, Brad."

"Hey." he looks really uncomfortable now. Jen smiles at him and sits across from me.

"You alone?" She asks him confused "Where are Angie and the kids?" How can she not be uncomfortable?

"They're all away. She's filming a new movie so she took them with." He stands up and puts some money on the table "I'm actually gonna get going, I'm flying out to meet them, but it was nice to see you two." We say our byes and he finally leaves.

"So, how are your dad and Sherry?" I ask Jen once he finally leaves.

"They're good, the kids were really excited to see them." She looks up at me smiling "I was too, it seems like it's been so long." She starts to eat her salad, and I start my food. We're quiet for awhile because we don't know what to say to each other when we were just in that awkward situation. I know they're divorced a long time now, and that Jen and I are happy, but I also know her and that she's always going to love him in the they were married way, and it makes me uncomfortable.

"When do you have to go for Jimmy?" She's on Jimmy Kimmel tonight.

"I don't remember." She looks at her phone for her schedule "An hour from now. Then it shouldn't be too long until I'm done." We finish and then I drive us over to the studio since she had someone drop her off.

Jen's POV

I squeeze into the dress that fit me last week when I picked it out and try but fail to zipper it "Justin, can you try to zipper this?" He walks over and tries to zipper it, but can only get it about half way.

"Why don't you just wear what you wore to lunch?" He hands me the clothes "That's nice enough for the show."

I sigh and change out of the dress and back into the shirt and leggings. This baby is going to be huge, and I am not happy about it. I just wish it was healthy and normal sized.

"Please welcome Jennifer Aniston!" Jimmy announces as I walk out. The crowd is clapping and cheering as I walk over to sit next to his desk. I wave to the audience before sitting down.

"Congratulations to you and Justin! Last time I talked to you guys you told me I was the reason you were moving away." Jimmy jokes.

"Well, we really wanted to get away from all you pranks," I joke back making the audience laugh "Actually it was more of needing another bedroom."

"How is Kayleigh after that last prank? She seemed kinda freaked out."

"Well, she still tries to sleep in our room at night, but Bentley is perfectly fine. He thought it was funny."

"We're going to take a break, and then Justin and Guillermo will join is for a game."

The show cuts to a commercial break and Justin and Guillermo walk out to join us standing at the desks across from us. We all taunt each other until the commercial break is over and Jimmy's cousin walks out to explain the game.

"We have Team 1 he points to Jimmy and I, and Team 2 he looks to Justin and Guillermo. I will either put up a picture of an object or a person or give a hint about who or what it can be and whoever guesses correctly first gets a point for their team. If nobody guesses correctly after 30 seconds we move on.

"Okay, let's start!" He holds up a picture with a house and a can of white paint next to it.

Jimmy and I talk for a few seconds, and just as I'm about to hit my buzzer Guillermo beats us "The white house!"

"Close, but no. Team 1 any guesses?"

"The president!" Jimmy yells. We got it right, so our team is in the lead.

"Something you might sit around and talk at while camping or at the beach."

Both of our teams think for awhile but nobody buzzes for an answer.

"Okay, no points for either team, so we'll move on to the next one." He goes through some papers "A famous love story with a tragic ending."

"Romeo and Juliet!" I yell after hitting my buzzer.


He can't even continue before Justin buzzes "Titanic! Jack and Rose!" Of course, one of my favorite movies I should have known this. Justin looks at me laughing, he only knew that because of me. They get the point.

"Moving on. Something kids might do after a birthday party, or eating lots of candy."

"Jump around?" Jimmy guesses. He's wrong.

"Have a sugar crash?" Guillermo guesses wrong as well.

Justin and I look across from each other. We both know this answer all too well.

"Bouncing off walls!" He yells and gets it right. They get another point and are now in the lead.

"Guess who this famous actress is." He holds up a picture that's blurry enough to make us guess, but I know right away.

"Meryl Streep!" I get the answer right and we're now tied.

"This character has a car that is named after something that flies at night."

"Batman!" I yell right away. We get it right and everyone looks at me shocked.

"I have an almost 2 year old son, I know who Batman is." They all laugh.

"Last question. If team 2 gets it right then we have a tie breaker." He holds up a picture of something gooey. It looks like it's also inside of something, but it's too blurred out to tell.

We all think for a while until Jimmy finally figures it out.

"A brain!!" He yells getting it correct.

"Team 1 wins!" He hands Jimmy and I each a small trophy.

Jimmy and I hug, then Justin and Guillermo join us. Jimmy and Guillermo walk away leaving Justin and I together. He tries to act like he's mad about loosing and stays away from me, but then he gets over it.

"You're just lucky he was asking hard questions." He laughs trying to stick you for himself. I wrap my arm around him, and he hugs me then kisses my forehead "Also, that I love you."

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