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I stand alone in the nursery looking at everything around me. It's filled with presents from the baby shower, the crib is set up along the wall and above it are the letters spelling out her name, Kayleigh. The walls are pale pink with yellow and purple girly decorations.

Justin walks into the room and wraps his arms around me. He rests his hands on my now huge belly and Kayleigh moves over to his hands and starts kicking "What are you doing?" He asks concerned "It's like midnight you should be asleep."

"I'm just thinking." I turn around and lay my head on his chest "She's going to be here any day now and it hit me that we're going to be parents. We're actually going to be in charge of keeping another human being alive, and it scares me a little."

He sighs and leads me over to the rocker where we sit "It's going to be hard, but you're going to be an amazing mother. She's going to be the luckiest baby ever to have you." He stops and looks around the room "She's also going to have all the amazing people who bought her all of these things."

We both stay quiet for a little and I look at the stuffed animals. Courteney brought bags filled with presents to the baby shower and when Coco helped me open I was amazed at all of them. Coco told me that she wanted Kayleigh to always have her own friends just like she did. It melted my heart, and made me realize that she will always have Coco as someone to look up to.

Next is the clothing. Justin and I bought a lot of it ourselves but both of our parents went together to buy enough clothes for 5 kids. I'll never forget how happy my mom, Sherry, and Justin's mom all were as they watched us open the gifts. They couldn't be more excited for her to get here, and along with our dads are going to be amazing grandparents. The rest of the toys, blankets, wipes and diapers all came from our other family members and friends. They all came together to make it a great day for Justin and I, and to spoil Kayleigh with love and gifts. There were bags all over the living room filled with gifts for Kayleigh. I had Coco help me open them because I could tell she was starting to get bored. She did a great job of helping and then even helped Justin and I set up the nursery making sure the toys she picked out were where Kayleigh will see them most.

We had a fun day set up that was filled with games for everyone. There was snacks, cupcakes, cakes and other foods sitting out for them to eat, and it ended up being a day I'll never forget. We played a few games about how much items cost and even some trivia games about Justin and I. Then a really fun scavenger hunt. The guests even got to make a headband and a customized shirt for her that she'll get to wear. Some people got really creative and Court and Lisa made a FRIENDS one together that's hanging in her nursery.

"Remember the scavenger hunt everyone played?" Justin asks me knowing exactly what I'm thinking of.

I think about it. They had to find random baby items Justin and I hid around the house, then had to guess which one of us hid that item. Justin got creative and hid them everywhere he could think of, while I tried to hide them in easier places. Lisa won that game, and as a prize she got to reveal the name to everyone.

"That was so much fun. I loved seeing their reactions." I look up at him.

"I loved everything about that day." He leans down and kisses me sweetly "But I love both of you more."

"No, I think we love you more." I smile and kiss him.

He laughs a little "That's not possible."

"Yes it is. There's one of you and two of us." I tell him knowing I've won. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me passionately. We pull away after a minute and sit there wrapped up in each others arms.

Moments like these make me realize how much I love him. We missed so much over the years we weren't together, but I wouldn't change what happened to us because it made us better.

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