Hell with the paparazzi

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Justin's POV

"Kids, try to cover your faces." I hold onto Kay's hand as we walk through a crows of paparazzi. Jen is carrying Ben, and I have Lexie. I really don't want them to get pictures, and they're a little too close to Kay for my comfort.

"Kayleigh look here!!" Some of them yell. She yells back no at them, and then it happens. I feel one of them pull her away from me.

"What the hell are you doing? Let her go!" I yell trying to get her back. She's now crying hysterically, and Ben is scared as well.

Jen is looking over at me pleading for me to do something. I don't want to hurt Kay though. It's only been about 5 seconds, but it feels like 5 minutes. I have to do something.

"Take her," I hand Lexie to Jen who balances her on her other hip. I then turn to the paparazzi who is taking pictures of Kay crying, still touching her.

"I told you to let go of my kid!" I lunge forward and punch him right in the face "Get the hell away from my family!" Everyone gets silent, and I pick up Kay.

"Daddy, he hurt me." She sobs in my arms and shows me a huge bruise on her arm. It almost looks like it could be broken.

"I know, princess, but he won't ever touch you again, I promise." I kiss her forehead and begin to walk again. All we wanted to do was take the kids to the playground for the day, but I think it's best if we just go home and do something there. I can already tell that Jen is on the verge of a breakdown and it's good I'm the one who had Kay. If it was her that guy probably would be dead.

I wrap my free hand around Jen, and pull her closer for protection as we walk the rest of the way home. I know I'm going to be all over the news for this, and I think I broke my hand, but I would do anything to protect my family.

"Let me see your hand." Jen walks downstairs to where I am in the living room. She put the kids to bed for a nap, and I'm supposed to be resting my hand. It's very swollen, and I think I punched the wrong way because of the impulse decision.

"I think I might have broken it," I show it to her "I didn't punch right."

"Yeah, that doesn't look good." She half laughs. The first time she's laughed since earlier. It's nice to know she's not letting this upset her too much. There isn't anything she could have done, and Kay will be okay.

"I feel like Ross," I joke. This reminds me of Friends when he punched the pole because Joey ducked away.

"I was thinking that too!" She laughs again, this time like she thinks it's genuinely funny.

Sebastian comes over to stay with the kids so Jen can take me to get my hand checked out. He thinks it's funny that I broke my hand like this, but we all know that he would have done the same thing. He's just as protective over the kids as I am. The weirdest thing about the ride to the ER is th at there are literally no paparazzi following us. They aren't anywhere around us, and it's the best thing ever. I can't remember the last time something like this happened.

"Just try to keep your arm as still as possible." The radiologist places my arm on a table and starts the x-rays. It's so hard to keep still once I'm told to. It makes me want to try to move it.

"Okay, you can go back to your room. The doctor will be with you soon to read them. Good luck!" She smiles at me sympathetically. I walk back to my room where Jen is on the phone with someone. I think it's her rep, because she's talking about the incident. When I ask her what's going on, she motions towards the tv.

"Paparazzi grabs Kayleigh Theroux, and father Justin punches him. We're told the paparazzi is recovering in the hospital now. We have no news on whether or not he's pressing charges."

I laugh. He can try all he wants, but my family will always be my first priority, and he hurt my daughter. He's lucky he isn't in a coma or dead right now.

"He's in this hospital," the doctor walks into my room and shakes my hand "You did the right thing. I'm doctor Smith."

"Thanks," I sit down so he can finish examining my hand "So, how does it look?"

"Not good, you have a boxer's fracture. We'll cast it, and it should be healed in a few weeks." He wraps up my arm, and tells us what we need to do about a followup and we get to leave. I almost ask Jen to see the paparazzi because I want to see the damage, but I know that's not a good idea, and she won't let me.

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