We're waiting for you

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Justin's POV

I lay my head on Jen's chest and wrap my arm around her stomach to feel our baby move. She's still asleep, and after a long night of her being too uncomfortable to sleep. The baby was due 5 days ago, and Jen's been miserable the past week. I don't blame her, she can't even walk right, and the kids want to play with her, but she can't do too much. The baby starts to kick like crazy right where my hand is, and as if on cue Jen wakes up.

"What are you doing?" She asks groggily as she sits up.

I get up from where I am and kiss her "I just wanted to feel the baby move without waking you, but now I guess that didn't work."

"Obviously." she gets up and walks to the bathroom. I lay back in bed waiting for her to come out, but get interrupted by the kids banging on our door. They can't reach the handle yet and we must have shut it.

"Daddy, open!" Ben yells in his cute baby voice. I get up quickly and let them in picking him up and helping Kay up to the bed. They lay down between Jen and I. Ben cuddles right up to Jen like he always does, and Kay closer to me.

"Baby?" Ben asks pointing to Jen's belly. He asks us the same thing everyday because he doesn't fully understand the whole baby thing.

"Yeah," Jen sighs. She rubs his back and he lays his head on her.

"She a girl." Kay points out. We never found out because we already have enough stuff for either a girl or boy. She's convinced that the baby is a girl, and we're hoping that she's right.

Ben gets even closer to Jen and she scrunches up her face. He sees this and looks up at her worried "Mommy okay?"

"I'm okay, buddy." Jen moves his hand onto her belly "The baby just keeps moving around so I'm tired."

He moves a little and hugs Jen "Better?" He asks cutely. She looks down at his smiling "Yes, buddy I'm better now."

We stay in bed until we all get hungry and decide to go downstairs so that I can make us all breakfast.

"Stop fighting with each other!" Jen yells at the kids. They're probably fighting over toys again. Kay runs out to me crying with her hands up "Ben mean!" She complains when I pick her up. I can hear Jen talking to him in the living room about sharing.

"You two just need to share your toys more," I set her on the counter next to where I'm cooking "When the baby gets here you're going to have to share even more, so you better start now." I hand her some bacon to eat awhile.

"Daddy," she asks me sweetly "When baby get here?"

"Soon, princess." I finish cooking and help her down "Any day you'll get to meet it."

Jen gets everyone drinks, and we all sit down to eat our breakfast together. The kids of course make huge messes, and I get to clean them all up. Jen sits at her spot and plays around with her food obviously craving something else.

"You want something else?" I finally ask her.

"Yeah, I think you should get me escargot." She looks up at me smiling.

She's not serious, right? "Jen, I can't just fly to another country to get you snails to eat. Pick something American."

"No." She says sternly and gets up from the table "I was watching a movie last night and they were eating it. I wanna try it." I glare at her and she finally changes her mind to something reasonable "I want ice cream with olives and pickles."

"Gross, but I'll go get it." I leave to get it, and take Ben with me to the store. I let him pick out candy for him and Kay, then get out of the store quickly. I don't want the paparazzi to see us.

When we get back home I walk in the living room with a bowl of the concoction Jen wanted and take it into the living room. She is laying on the couch and Kay is "painting" her toe nails. They probably haven't been painted in the 6 months since she's seen them last.

"Look!" Kay yells at me showing me what she's doing.

Jen looks up at me from her ice cream "Look at that, then we're all going for a walk. I need this kid out." She's so miserable it's almost funny.

"You're doing a good job!" I hand Kay her candy then walk over to kiss Jen "Whatever you want to do."

I carry Ben in one arm and hold Jen's hand with my free hand. We're walking through a trail near the house to hopefully start Jen's labor. We all need this to happen soon, and we're definitely waiting for the baby.

"This is all your fault, you know." She looks over at me "Why can't the man do this? Just once."

I find a bench for us to sit on, and make sure Kay and Ben are near us.

"If I could do it for you I would, but I can't." I wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead "I can help get it out if you want." The only thing the doctor has said normally works is sex, and I've been trying to get her to, but she won't.

"No!" She snaps and then starts to cry a little "You don't want to have sex with me. I'm fat and ugly and I can hardly even move. All you want is to get the baby out so I'm not a bitch anymore."

"Jen," I sigh as I wipe away her tears. I don't care how fat she thinks she is, she's still the most beautiful person ever to me "It's because I love you, and I love our baby and I know we both want to meet it."

"Okay, I'll have sex with you." She looks up and kisses me "But, if it doesn't work once I'm too tired to keep trying."

"Deal." I laugh and kiss her back. We take the kids to the playground for them to play.

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