Everything is okay

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"Your baby looks very healthy," my doctor moves the wand around my stomach "He or she is going to be very big though." Not a surprise.

"Do you have any idea of how big?" Justin asks her. I've been huge this whole pregnancy, and now at 8 months it looks like I could have the baby at any time. We knew the baby was going to be big.

She has me stand your so that she can weigh and measure me then fills out stuff in my chart for a while "At least 8 pounds. Could be more, but I highly doubt any less."

I sigh. This isn't going to be any fun for me. She tells us that since everything looks good we're free to go. We go out to our car, and Justin drives to our house where Sebastian is watching the kids. They're all outside in the pool throwing the beach ball around.

"Let's get changed." Justin pulls me upstairs to our room. He finds his bathing suit right away, but after trying on 3 I still can't find one that isn't a little tight, or too small.

"They don't fit." I complain throwing them all on the bed. The one I'm wearing I think is going to have to be cut off of me "I'm too fat, I won't look good in a bathing suit anyway. Just go out there without me."

"Babe," Justin wraps his arms around me and tries to calm me down "You aren't fat, and you'll look great in whatever you wear." He looks me in the eyes "I know all of this has been hard on you, but soon you're going to be holding your baby, and you'll never have to go through this again." He hands me another one that I haven't tried yet "This one is nice, try it."

I manage to take off the one that is too small and put the other one on. This one fits better, but there's one problem "Justin, my boobs are hanging out of it. I can't wear this is front of our children and your brother." He looks over at me laughing at what I'm saying "It's not too bad."

"Not too bad?" I join him in laughing "I need to wear a shirt over it just to cover myself."

He walks over to me and tries to "adjust" the top "There it's better." He laughs as he walks away. I look down and shrug. Pregnancy sucks.

"You coming or not?" He walks out of our room towards the stairs. I follow him down the steps and out to the yard where we meet the kids.

I hold Ben as he buries his head in my chest because he doesn't like being splashed. Justin, Sebastian and Kay are jumping around and splashing each other on the other side of the pool. She's having so much fun play fighting with them.

"Do you wanna try to swim?" I ask Ben. He gets out of my arms and floats around me. Luckily he has his floaties on because I'm not fast enough to catch him. I let Justin know what we're doing, and he stands closer to me so that Ben doesn't have to go as far.

"Off?" He asks pointing towards his arm floaties. I push them so that they're back on "Not yet buddy, soon."

"Come here!" Justin encourages him to swim. He moves his little arms and legs as fast as he can and makes his way over to Justin.

"Good job, buddy!!" I cheer for him. He turns around in Justin's arms and gets back into the water so swim over to me. He goes even faster this time because he's so excited. I put my arms out to catch him when he gets close to me and we decide to take it to the next step.

"You want these off now?" I ask him. Justin moves a little closer, and I help him take them off. I lower him into the water so that he can swim, and follow behind him to catch him if he needs it. He makes it over to where Justin is standing and we all clap and cheer for him.

"Can you swim to me?" Sebastian asks him as he gets a little close to Justin. Ben hesitates at first but then jumps out of Justin's arms to swim to Seb. He makes it about halfway and stops so Justin quickly grabs him and holds him until he's ready again. Kay stays next to Seb and tries to convince Ben to swim to her.

"I go!" Ben yells as he starts to swim again. He makes it over to them and Kay throws her arms around him hugging him tightly. He wraps his arms around her and they stay like that for a little. I swim up closer to Justin and rest my head on his shoulder watching them.

"They're going to be really good with this baby," he rests his hands on my belly "They already love each other so much."

"I can't wait to see how they are." I know he's right. They're going to love this baby just like we are.

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