Our not baby?

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I drift in and out of sleep until I hear some mumbling beside me in bed. Kay is laughing and Justin is trying to make sure I get some much needed sleep, "Be quiet, princess, mommy is trying to sleep." He says as she wraps her arms around me. I feel her little hands on my neck and her body laying on mine as I open my eyes to see her looking right at me "Hi, momma!!" She yells the second she sees that I'm awake.

"Hi, baby." I say back "How did you sleep?" I ask knowing that she's probably been awake for a while.

She looks me right in the face and says, "I not baby." Very seriously. Justin and I laugh at her response. She's 1-1/2 now, and since she's getting bigger she expresses herself better. We lay in bed with her shows on and she tells us about all the characters and what they are doing. Justin asks her all kinds of questions while she's trying to watch which causes her to throw blankets on him thinking that will make him shut up. He gets the hint and decides that it's time to make us breakfast.

"I'll go start on it a while, you get her dressed." He says as he's getting out of bed "And don't forget about her appointment."

I take her to her room where she picks out what she wants to wear then I change and dress her before taking her downstairs to eat. She takes her bowl of cereal from me and throws the spoon on the floor grabbing handfuls of cereal and shoving it in her mouth. Justin thinks that it's funny because she's having a good time, but I know that she's going to end up needing a bath, and we don't have that much time.

"I need to get dressed." I remind him that he'll need to bathe her "We have to leave in 20 minutes you better hurry." With that we both practically run upstairs and I get dressed while he gives Kay the quickest bath ever. We meet in the car and make our way to the pediatricians office.

I put Kay on the floor at the toys and go to check in while Justin finds us seats. I hand the receptionist everything that she needs and we're told the doctor will see her soon. Kay is playing at a play kitchen with some other kids around her age and we watch them play until we're called back.

"Kay, we need to go back." I tell her practically pulling her away from the toys and her new friends. She doesn't like shots and now knows that's why we're here, so she isn't in the best mood and fights us.

"If you could please read and sign these." The nurse hands me papers for the shots Kay needs, then turns to Kay "Sweetie, can I see your arm?"

Kay jumps up on my lap and let's the nurse clean off her arm. I hand her the papers back and she gets both shots ready. Justin sees Kay about to freak out and holds her other hand. She cries a little while she's getting the shots, but as soon as the nurse is done with both shots she is her normal self again. Justin helps her pick out the stickers she gets and I make the next appointment. We put her in her seat and get in the car listening to her tell us about who she was playing with. She eventually realizes that we're just nodding along with what she says and starts yelling at both of us kicking Justin's seat.

"Momma!" She yells for me and I turn around in my seat so I can see her "We go swimming?" I look at Justin and he nods his head in agreement "I guess, but you have to let us put your bathing suit and floaties on first."

I stand in our bathroom alone looking at the 2 sticks that could and most likely will change our lives forever. Justin and Kay are in our room waiting for me and I'm supposed to be getting the sunscreen, but while I was looking for it I found a box of pregnancy tests and realized that I should take one. I've had it in the back of my mind for at least a week that I could be pregnant, but I just kept forgetting about it until now. My phone time goes off letting me know that the 3 minutes are up and I flip over the tests to see what I was hoping. I open the bathroom door with happy tears falling down my face and ask Justin to come over.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I pull him into the bathroom showing him the tests and his expression changes from being worried to one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen. He looks me in the eyes and wipes the tears off of my face "I can't wait to meet this baby."

I stop crying and pull myself together. I never thought either of us would be this happy when we definitely weren't expecting it. This just shows how much our lives have changed. "I can't wait either."

Before we have the chance to say anything else a very impatient little girl runs over to us with her floaties so we can put them on. We each put one on then I spray sunscreen all over her and we take her out to the pool. She jumps up and down excitedly and swims around us in circles.

"I think she'll be a good big sister, she'll really like to have someone to play with." Justin says pulling me closer to him. I agree with him knowing that she'll be excited once we tell her.

I wait for her to come towards me again and then whisper to her, "let's splash daddy" she immediately starts splashing him. He starts splashing me back knowing I told her and soon we're all splashing each other. Kay starts to get tired and her splashes slowly start to turn into her just lightly hitting the water and she swims over to us hardly able to stay awake. Justin carries her to a pool chair and lays a dry towel over her so she can take a nap while we spend some time together in the pool.

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