Lying isn't easy

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We've been doing pretty good so far at keeping the fact that we're married private, and lying to interviewers when they ask us, but it's really starting to get hard. I've been becoming very forgetful of taking my wedding ring off when I leave the house and have even kept it on a few times, but luckily it was when I was filming. Justin has been doing good at hiding it, but even he forgot before and the media are really starting to ask questions. The magazines have headlines of it all the time. As I'm thinking about this we're standing in a store checkout line. People in front of and behind us curiously looking at the magazines. I start to get a little worried as they read about the pregnancy rumors and try my best to cover my stomach without them noticing.

"Do you want to go wait in the car?" Justin asks me noticing how uncomfortable I'm getting "I'll just bring everything out." I see the look of 'I'm doing this to protect you' and decide to go.

People watch fiercely as I leave trying to get a glimpse of anything. It isn't even only paparazzi anymore. Everyone can take a picture or start to spread a rumor and it's really starting to annoy me. We really don't have much privacy anymore. I feel bad for the baby knowing that because of Justin and I their every move will be noted. It's not fair that the rest of the world gets to know all this about us when really we're just normal people.

"Excuse me, Ms. Aniston?" A guy walks up next to me with a phone to record our conversation. Of course. I try to get in the car before he speaks, but he's too fast.

"Is it true that you and Justin are married?" He continues "The pictures of him wearing a wedding ring are all over."

I try to push past him and get in the car "That's not for all of you to know." I manage to say as I shut the door. I wish I could just build a fence around myself and they couldn't get past it. That way I won't have to worry about them getting pictures of our family, but I know that it would also mean my dedicated fans wouldn't get what they deserve. It's not like I could sign autographs, or take pictures through a fence.

Justin's POV
I watch from the line as Jen leaves the store. Some guy stops her just as she's about to get in the car and it pisses me off. All of them need to leave her alone about the questions. Everyone around me is glaring at me waiting for me to say or do something, and it makes me want to just let the cart here and go out to Jen. She's had a hard enough time dealing with other stuff and now these people can't mind their own business.

"You okay?" I ask her as I get in the car. She's sitting in her seat silent letting tears fall down her face freely as she cries. I want to make it all better for her, but I don't know what to do.

She leans over to me and lays her head on my shoulder, still crying.

"Do you want me to buy all the magazines? We can burn them." I jokingly say. Normally the tabloids don't bother her, but her hormones have been going completely crazy and she was really hoping to announce the baby and that we're married at the same time. I feel horrible for being the reason of all of this. I should have just remembered to take my ring off like I'm supposed to and this wouldn't have happened. I feel horrible because if it wasn't for my mistake she wouldn't be this upset, but now that it happened there isn't much I can do.

"Why do they have to do this to us?" She finally speaks up. Her voice cracks as she tries to get the words out "This baby is never going to be able to have a normal life, and it's because of them... and us."

"Don't say that." I rub her back to calm her down "We'll do everything we can to make sure they have privacy. I don't care what I have to do, but I will always protect both of you."

"Thank you." She says looking up into my eyes.

I lean down and kiss her "Anytime."

She pulls herself together and sits back in her seat like normal. I start the car and hold her hand with my free hand letting her know she isn't alone. As much as it pains me to see her so upset, I know that I'll do anything I can to make her feel better. She deserves a life where she doesn't need to be worried about being followed around, and so does our baby. Nobody should have to feel like their every move is being watched, or that all of the world will see what they ate for dinner. It's just not right, and I will do all that I can to stop it.

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