It's been HOW long?

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Where water meets the sand; the calmest place to be. Waves rush up on the shore as if they're racing trying to see which one can get further. The thick smell of sea water and sand mixes with that putting me in the most relaxing mood ever. This is my happy place. The beach has always been somewhere that I can relax and think. Think about the many thoughts I have on a daily basis, and solve my problems. Think about how much I love my life, and what it's become. It really is perfect to me. I have the most amazing husband, and the 3 best kids anybody could ask for.

The sun shines down over my sprawled out body giving me the sun kissed look I'm hoping for. I start to feel an intense heat like I'm burning, and join Justin who is in the ocean by himself.

"You're so beautiful." He kisses me when I reach him. There's something different about being here. It's like any problems we've been having can just disappear. They don't exist anymore. It's the perfect place to get away to.

"I'm covered in sweat."

"And?" He laughs. I wrap my arms around him and he gently splashes me as if he's washing the sweat off of me. "You know what I just realized?" There's a momentary pause, but I decide to let him continue "Had we never broken up we would be together 23 years this weekend."

23 years? I think to myself. "Wow, that seems like such a long time." We stay in the water a little until moving back to the sand.

I still can't get over what Justin just said. Had we been smart enough not to break up over some stupid fight that we had our life together would be completely different. We were both so stressed out over everything, and when we needed each other most we ended up tearing apart. Our lives would be so different today. We could have started our family years earlier, but we wouldn't be who we are today. We might not have been in LA when I got FRIENDS, or Justin might not have gone to college for writing. As much as I wish we could have been together I think those years apart really helped us. They really helped me grow up and realize the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. Brad was a huge part of my life, and as much as I'm glad I've moved on, I'll always love him. Not in the same way that I did when we were married, but he's always going to be more than just and ex husband to me. I can't just throw away almost 8 years of my life. Our years apart are why we're still together today; they gave both of us a chance to realize how we never wanted to live another day without each other. I can't imagine my life without having my best friend and children by my side every day. Justin is the perfect person for me, and the perfect father for our children.

"I love you," Justin leans down far enough to kiss me "Everything about you." I blush.

We're on a private beach in California. He's sitting up, and I'm laying my head on his lap. Instead of thanking him, I sit up and wrap my arms around him to kiss him back. I wrap my legs around him and feel him start to pick me up. His grip tightens as he walks, but I can't see where he's going with my head buried in his shoulder.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I can feel that he's walking up steps, and I'm confused. He doesn't answer me, but instead takes off my cover up, and walks into our pool. Still confused I look at him like he's crazy.

"You know we were just at a beach, right?"

He unties my bathing suit and carefully removes it slowly pushing it down my body "But I couldn't do this there," he smirks. He walks me to the side of the pool while kissing me. The most passionate kiss ever. The passion is so strong I can hardly move my face. If he wasn't holding me up right now, I would be drowning.

I fight for breath as it gets stronger. Our tongues intertwine and the suction is so strong I can't even move. He slides my bottoms down, and I see them floating next to me... He slowly runs his hands down my body, making me shiver. He stops at my ass and picks me up. Fighting for breath, we break the kiss and stare lovingly at each other for a minute before going back in, with even more passion than before.

His swim trunks are the next to come off. I slide my hands down his back and push them down his legs. He moans as I run my hands over his now huge member carefully stroking every area of it. I can feel it getting harder by the second. He wraps my legs back around his groin and situates himself so he's ready.

I moan uncontrollably with each thrust. My mind is going so crazy from the pleasure that I can't think straight. He runs his hands all over my bare body letting them explore everything. He's so careful as he caresses my breasts making sure he doesn't miss anywhere. I dig my nails into his back as he thrusts harder. I'm almost at my climax, but I don't want it to end.

He pushes me back into the side of the pool even more as he thrusts harder than before, almost ready to cum. I feel his grip on me tighten when we climax together. He let's me down slowly as we embrace, letting each other know how satisfied we are.

"I love you." I look deeply into his eyes. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me sweetly "I love you more."

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