Chapter 40

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Leo was as patient as ever and considerate beyond what I expected of any man. We spent much of our time 'distracted' as we both now knew that idle moments led us to touching, kissing. But even with all of the tasks he gave me, we weren't always safe.

Hand to hand combat was often the hardest. His body would become entangled with mine and I would feel his heat. My eyes would flash to his just as he began studying my mouth that was sucking in a gasp. Adding swinging blades made it a little easier to stay focused, but riding seemed like the best way to keep us both occupied. Space a focus were both required while on horseback. 

Leo was a diligent focused teacher. His eyes missed nothing. He could ride alongside me, correcting my posture, my hand position, my hold on the reins. And he had answers for everything. When I told him that I worried about hurting Pirate's mouth, he explained how a bit was used and that some horses did better without them, while others did not. He also said that a cruel rider could be just as rough on a horse bit-less as they could with the metal. It was all about the handler, no matter what kind of gear was used.

Every time he spouted off information, I was reminded that he was supposed to be a military leader. He hadn't been raised to smile and wave at crowds or kiss babies. His purpose had been to lead fearlessly, making calculated decisions that were the difference between life and death. To him, every horse, every blade, every hand mattered. 

But I knew that how he was with me was not how he behaved with others. When it was just the two of us, it was all soft words and shy glances. The glances turned into a steady gaze when he convinced me to release Pirate's reins while the horse galloped. It was only when he promised to stay right beside me that I complied. At first I was shaky and scared to only rely on my stirrups. Then I felt the wind in my hair, felt each hoofbeat, felt the ocean spray from crashing waves.

And I started laughing. Because it felt amazing, because it felt freeing. Because I felt like I was flying. 

When we slowed, Leo spoke. "You know, seeing you like that, it undoes me."

I blushed and said nothing, but insisted that we continue our riding lessons the very next day. And while Leo was trying to instruct me how to dismount while Pirate trotted, it was no longer innocent glances.

I was unsteady but overconfident. After the high I received yesterday, I was willing to take a risk to chase the feeling. And to have Leo look at me like that again. But I did not end up feeling like I was flying. Instead, I was falling.

Pirate trotted away, tailing swishing while I was splatted down on the ground, sand coarse and sharp against my face and palms. The air in my lungs was forced out as my center made contact with the unrelenting earth.

"Shit. Em, are you okay?" Leo asked, immediately pulling his horse up. The noble beast skidded to a stop.

"I'm fine," I choked out. "Pirate."

"He'll come back, he knows who feeds him and who takes care of him," Leo assured, dismounting. I heard a soft thump as he kneeled by my head.

And when I saw the genuine concern on his features I began laughing. Christ, here I thought I was going to impress Leo, make him stare at me as if I were an expert at riding horses. Now, I had sand in every layer of clothing and could hardly catch my breath.

"You didn't hit your head?" Leo asked, his fingers already slipping into my hair, searching for bumps and bruises.

"No. The only thing I have wounded is my pride. Here I was thinking I would look like a goddess when I perfected the moving dismount," I sighed, staring up at him, watching those green eyes study me. 

"Em, you are absurd. I am already convinced you're a goddess," he murmured. 

His mouth fell onto mine then. It started slow and tentative, how it always did now. He was too afraid to chase me away, to over step. But I wasn't afraid. Not then. My hands clasped together behind his head, finger twisted in his curly golden hair, pulling him down to me harder. 

I knew that I should have paced myself, should have slowed down. But through denying him, I was also denying myself. The ache between my thighs was worsening with each day that passed. Though my actions hadn't seemed to bother Leo, I had felt as if I were using him. And if it was this kind of torture for me, I couldn't imagine what he was going through. 

But in that moment, I didn't care. I wanted to memorize how he tasted, the sounds he made before he captured my lower lips between his teeth. But it all came to fast. It felt like I would realize how wonderful his grip felt on my hips, then I would be swept away with the sensation of his tongue brushing my own and my head would spin out of control. 

And the spinning sensation always turned into a downward spiral whenever he went too far, whenever I pushed him into thinking that I was okay, that I could handle it. Whenever the need to satisfy the throbbing between my legs outweighed my judgement. My dress was now hiked up and when his palm came into contact with my thigh my whole body coiled tight like a frightened snake.

I knew it was Leo. I knew his taste and his scent- something that reminded me of an ocean sunset- and I knew the roughness of his callused hands. But right then I felt so vulnerable, so bare, so weak.

I tore my mouth from his, eyes wide. "Leo."

He didn't even hesitate. There was not a single complaint out of him as he rocked back. "Right." He cleared his throat. "Looks like Pirate is making his way back to us. We should get them fed and watered before the sun goes down."

But while it felt like we were moving backwards often, there were many times when it felt like we were leaping forward. Now, at night, we would lay together, his arm over my waist and his cheek nestled against my shoulder. If I asked, he would tell me about his brother and when he wondered about my life before him, I told him everything I could. We would fall asleep to muted words and the occasional kiss. 

But we had to return to the real world, one where I didn't slice blades through the air and perch in a saddle for most of the day. After a short ride back to the royal stables Archer and Willow were saying their final goodbyes and swapping our horses for their own.

"I'm going to miss you," Willow sighed, wrapping me in her signature floral scented hug. "Write often and ask me as many questions as you want about plants. Tell your sisters I say hello and that I am looking forward to many nights of dancing with them. I hope they join us for your coronation."

Then she was onto Leo, hugging him just as tightly before glancing at me. "You got yourself a real prize young man. You better do your best to keep her. Women like her don't come around every day and they certainly don't settle for anyone, prince or not."

"I know," Leo whispered, casting me a wink. "I'll do my best to keep her by my side."

But, before I could get swept away in all the sweetness, Archer stepped in front of me, awkwardly putting a single arm around me, not half as confident with affection as his wife. "I would give up on archery," he advised. "Swords seem much more reasonable for you, but I'm sure that you will be a great warrior if the opportunity ever arises."

"Thank you."

"Keep training though, you still have work to do. A lot of work."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence."

Archer's mouth quirked up into a little half smile before he shook hands with Leo. 

Then they were gone, nothing more than the rumps of horses disappearing in the streets.

And we were back to being a fraud of a princess and a pirate prince.

~~~Question of the Day~~~

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

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