ch. 21

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On the day that Randell was potentially going to be able to be let go, he goes missing, to everyone's surprise but mine. I knew this was going to happen. I've been on watch all last night and this morning.

Shane comes over out of nowhere and tells me Lori needs me, suspicious, I squint my eyes. "I swear man I ain't gonna do shit to this boy."

Eventually I do leave and Lori actually did need me. She gave me my clothes and by the time I run back out there T-Dogs telling everyone hes escaped.

"Cuffs are still hooked, he must of slipped off" Rick states exiting the barn.

"Is that even possible?" Carol asked.

"It is if you dont got nothing else to loose" I looked around, trying to find a solution.

I purse my lips and shake my head, disappointed in myself for not asking someone else to watch him.

I place my hands on my hips.

"Rick, Rick!" Shane yells in fury.

"What happened!" Lori screamed.

We all run up to catch him.

"Hes armed, hes got my gun!" Shane limps towards us. We run towards him confused.

Now how the actual fuck does this man-

"You okay?!" Carl asks worryingly.

"I'm fine, little basterd just snuck up on me, clocked me in the face"

I cock my head and side eye Rick.

This alibi does not sound believable.

"Alright Hershel, T-dog, get everybody back in the house, Glenn, Daryl, Kelsey, come with us" Rick commands.

"Imma need that gun" Shane points.

"Just let him go..." Carol begins "that was the plan, wasn't it? To let him go."

"The plan was to cut him loose far away from here, not in our front step with a gun!" Shane spits.

"Don't go out there, you don't know what could happen!" Carol exclaims.

I rub her arm and give her a sincere look. She tries to grab me when I walk away but is unsuccessful.

I give T a look, letting him know to do what was assigned.

"Get everybody back in the house, lock all the doors, and stay put!"

Everyone starts rushing in.

I stand in between Daryl and Rick as we make our ways through the woods.

"I saw him head up through the trees that way" shane points west "before I blacked out."

"Not sure how long" he finishes.

"Couldn't have been gotten far, hes hobbled, exhausted."

"And armed.." Glenn claims.

"So are we" I make eye contact with Glenn.

"Can you track him?" Rick asks Daryl.

"Nah, I dont see nothing" he looks around.

"Hey, look, they ain't no use in tracking, okay? He went that way, we just need to pair up, spread out, chase him down, that's it." Shane says pointing west again.

Something is urcking me the wrong way. It seems hes steady on West but how does he know that if he was knocked out... I dont know, somethings up.

I already know that this whole thing is a set up, Shane killed Randall and is trying to make it seem like he ran away, I'm calling it right here.

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