We like to have fun

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Schlatt took his place on stage, Quackity and Tubbo up there with him. He stood behind the mic.

"Hello everybody welcome to the Festival!" Schlatt started. I looked at Techno next to me. We were surrounded by people. Everyone cheered. "I've invited all the citizens of Manburg and some very close friends of mine to enjoy the festivities that this nation- something- I don't know. Uh basically I just wanted to throw a party. You all know me I'm a partier. So I put one together. Thanks for being here." He joined us. He showed us gift boxes made up by Tubbo. Techno and Fundy duked it out in a ring. I watched the others dance for a bit. Schlatt summoned us back to the stage. Tubbo fumbled around with the mic a bit.

"I like to give Tubbo a hard time for all the stuff he does wrong." Schlatt started. "But at the end of the day he's the guy that made this entire thing happen. This guy slaves away, I don't know if we would be where we are today without him. I consider him my right hand man. So when Tubbo said he would like to say his piece about how beautiful this country is and how amazing you are, I mean who am I to say no to that? So without any further ado my right hand man up on the mic." People cheered as Tubbo moved in front of the mic.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen." He started, slightly too short for the mic. "A wise man once told me that L'manburg was like a lettuce there's so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness and once you wash all the worms off the surface it's a pretty good meal." Tubbo smiled as people cheered. "Schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects off our great nation, and with that he has allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through."

"Right." Schlatt agreed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I would like you to look around. At what we've built today. Look at each other, all of this thanks to democracy and the leadership of J Schlatt. Our people have been beaten down by rules and dictators for so long. Now we are finally free. Free to elect who we want free to live how we  want. And most importantly free to go wherever we want without the confines of those huge black walls. So with that in mind, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event." Schlatt started to laugh as Tubbo finished. "What's wrong Schlatt?"

"Nah it's just." He sighed. "I was just thinking about it Tubbo. You know how we like to have fun."

"Yeah." Tubbo agreed. "We like to have fun."

"Have anything else in the speech, big guy?"

"No, let the festival begin." Tubbo smiled. Run run run run traitor traitor traitor.

"Are you done with the speech?"

"Yeah I'm done with the speech Schlatt." I watched as Schlatt and Quackity started boxing Tubbo in. "Schlatt what are you- why are you doing?" They murmured as they built around him. We shouted our questions of what they were doing up at them.

"Tubbo I'll cut to the chase. Alright?" Schlatt said.

"Tell him prez. Tell him." Quackity urged him.

"Tubbo I and I mean it really sucks for me to say this in front of everyone it's kind of awkward." Schlatt has his back to us.

"Let him out." Niki moaned.

"Tubbo I know what you've been up to." Schlatts voice got deeper.

"What have I been up to?" Tubbo pushed against the side of the box. "What are you talking about?"

"What have I been up to he says." Schlatt laughed. "Why have I been up to? YOU CONSPIRED WITH THE IDIOTS! WITH THE TYRANTS THAT WE KICKED OUT OF THIS COUNTRY MONTHS AGO! I don't know if you know this but that's treason." He emphasized the word. "Isn't exactly a respectable thing around here. I know what you've been doing. It all adds up buddy. The tunnels your absence from great event I mean you walked off in the middle of this one! Don't try and tell me you've done nothing wrong. Because everybody knows it. I sees it with my own two eyes what you've been doing. Do you know what happens to traitors Tubbo?" Schlatt drawled on.

"No." Tubbo hesitated.

"Nothing good." Schlatt turned to the crowd. "Hey Technoblade you wanna come up here for a second. Let's just send a message real quick. We like to send messages around here." Techno jumped up on stage. "We've got Tubbo in that," Schlatt laughed. "In that Tubbox."

"What's going on here?" Techno asked.

"Tubbo as the enemy to the state and as perpetrator to these awful people." He paused. "Technoblade please, please, if you would be so kind."

"What are you asking Schlatt?" Techno asked. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. The voices chanted deafeningly loud.

"Take care of him."

"You want me to get him some breakfast." Techno shrugged. "What do you mean by take care of him?"

"Technoblade were on a tight schedule." Schlatt put his hand in Technos shoulder. "You know I only call you in for special favors. I mean we go way back. Techno I need you to take him out."

"What!" Quackity started arguing with Schlatt. I couldn't hear what was being said as everyone started shouting protests.

"You're going to kill him!" Schlatt yelled at Techno. "On this stage! And make it hurt!" Niki started begging Techno not to do it. I sat quietly. Schlatt turned to Tubbo. "I'd rather rule alone than with you."

"Oh I'm in a high stress situation." Techno sighed. "I deal with these poorly."

"Schlatt are you sure we have him trapped he's jailed." Quackity asked.

"It's not enough. Technoblade..." Schlatt said. Techno loaded his weapon. A rocket launcher.

"Tubbo I'm sorry." Techno said. "I'll make it as painless and colorful as possible, Tubbo." Techno pulled the trigger.


Tbh I might go away from VOD quoting and take some creative liberty but we will see. Let me know what y'all think about that.

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