< Chapter 3 >

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"Oh if it isn't Mr.LoverBoy"

Y/n Pov

"What are you doing here lover boy" you said tilting your head."I have a name you know and I um have to talk to you may we go inside to speak?"  You nodded rummaging in your pocket with one hand and unlocked the door.

"After you malady." You joked to iida." I am not a female...I don't see how u could-" you sighed "Just go in already". After you and iida got in you closed the door and locked it, as well as turned on the lights.

"I'll be right back make yourself at home" you said walking into the kids room. Iida sat down on the sofa waiting for you to come back. After tossing your jacket on your bed, you headed back to the living room and sat  in a chair near the sofa. "So what brings you back into my lovely apartment.." you said with a hint of sarcasm.

"As you know about my ahem...situation with my parents...I have a proposal for you....."he said pushing up his glasses.

"Will you marry me?"

To be continued......

Just kidding. 😛

Y/n pov

"Huh?!?!? Wait a darn minute...YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT NOW?!" You said almost screaming. " I mean your very good looking and all....but we've just met not even a day ago. I don't even know your name..."

"My name is Tenya Iida.....this marriage won't be permanent of course it will only last for a year...in that year you will get a payment of $70k each month...as well as be provided of necessities for you and your children....all you have to do is pretend to be my wife, which may require you to meet my family and act as a couple in public " he hands you a yellow envelope. "This is a contract and additional information you will need to know." he says getting up. " I have to go now Ms. L/N I hope you think this over." And with that he leaves.

You just sit there stunned..



Yikes I haven't made a chapter in awhile 😬 sorry but im back and will try and update when I can!♡

Yikes I haven't made a chapter in awhile 😬 sorry but im back and will try and update when I can!♡

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Unexpected Marriage | TenyaIidaxBlackreaderWhere stories live. Discover now