< Chapter 10 >

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⚠️Quick trigger warning:  Sexual Assault/ Attempted Rape ⚠️

Y/n pov

I approached my apartment door after going out to get groceries. I noticed there was a note on my door as well with all of my stuff outside?! I quickly ripped the note off of the door. "IM GETTING EVICTED! ARE U KIDDING ME!!" I rushed to the landlords door. I knocked repeatedly to no answer. I stormed off to the laundry mat in the apartment complex hoping to find him there. As soon as I spotted him I shoved the note in his face. "What's the meaning of this?!" I said practically shouting. "You didn't even give me a warning." You added. "Well Ms. L/N you've been behind for the past few month's....I've giving many chances." He said.

"You know I was in a bad accident a few weeks back...I even lost my job and im just now being able to walk on my own."you exclaimed. "I will not take these excuses anymore Ms. L/n." You scoffed at his reply. "Are you kidding me?"

"But there is a way you could pay me back....." he said getting closer to you. Your stomach dropped at those words and you began to back up...until you backed into a wall. "Fuck..."

Before you knew it he had you pinned against the wall and ran his free hand over your body...squeezing certain areas. You struggled against his grip. "Get your dirty hands off me!"

"Oh dont make such a fuss Ms. L/N I promise to be gentle.." he said as  he tore open your shirt and kissed your neck definitely leaving a bruise.

"GET OFF ME YOU NASTY OLD PERVERT!" You said as you kicked him where the sun dont shine. (👀) As he groaned in pain you took the opportunity to run out of there as fast as possible.

You quickly threw all your stuff in your car...you didn't have much so you were fairly quick and hopped into your vehicle. You drove as fast as you could. The adrenaline kicking in. You drive till you found a hotel. You called the kids grandma on your sisters baby daddy side. She was a sweet old lady loved you and the kids dearly. "H-hey um do you mind keeping the kids for the weekend...im kinda in a sticky situation." Your voice was practically shaking from trying to hold back tears. "Yeah sure, is everything okay sweetheart?"

" Y-yeah I just need a couple of days if you don't mind ma'am" you tired controlling your voice a bit better. "Alright sweetheart"  she said sweetly. "Thank you...." Before you could hang up she said..."if there's anything else you need please let me know. "

"Yes ma'am I will, bye" you hung up and just cried in the car for awhile before getting a room.  You got into your room and quickly took a shower. You scrubbed vigorously still feeling where he touched you.

          ~Time skip After Shower~

Though you had scrubbed yourself clean you could still feel him making you turn into a sobbing mess. You debated if you should call someone. Somehow your hand landed on a contact number.

???: Y/N? What's wrong? Why are you calling this late?

You didn't answer you just sobbed.

???: Y/N?! Where are you? R u ok?

The only thing you could choke out was..."Help Me..."

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Unexpected Marriage | TenyaIidaxBlackreaderWhere stories live. Discover now