Chapter 9

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Yoongi's pov:

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I slam my hand on the stupid thing to stop the noise and just lay in bed thinking about my schedule for the day.

Jinnie hyung, me and Namjoon are supposed to take Yuna to the doctors today for a health check up. We had postponed it because we knew Yuna wouldn't be thrilled to get poked and prodded. But after getting to know about her scars, we knew we couldn't delay it anymore.

Jin hyung had set up an appointment with a nutritionist because of her eating habits, and after seeing her scars he also set up an appointment with a dermatologist. Yuna has started trusting us abit. She flinches alot less and has started telling if she wants something. Yesterday she had a really hard time in the beginning due to the crowd but she eventually relaxed and had a somewhat normal day like a normal kid. I hope she keeps up with her progress on trusting us.

I decide to get out of bed and start getting ready before Jin hyung scolds me. I quickly get ready and head towards the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone is already seated and having breakfast. "Good morning." I wish everyone and take a seat next to Hobi.

Yuna looks a little afraid about today's health check up. Who am I kidding she must be terrified of hospitals because of her past. "Are you nervous about today butterfly?" Tae asks Yuna. "A little bit" she replies. "No need to be worried bubs, me, Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung will be with you all the time. And also remember that no one is going to hurt you darling and we are only doing this to make sure you are healthy." explains Joon in a calm and quiet tone. Yuna just nods in response and mumbles a small 'yeah'.

"I just don't understand why can't we all go?" whines Kookie. "Because it's not a amusement park and also if we all go it will attract attention from people. We haven't yet announced Yuna's adoption and we don't want the news to get out before she is completely comfortable with us, okay?" Says Jin a little annoyed. That shuts up Jungkook and he drops the topic. We finish breakfast and decide to get the check up done as soon as possible and leave for it right away.

"Don't worry baby no one will hurt you and you'll be back home before you know it. " says Jimin as he kisses Yuna's cheeks. She nods and grabs Joon's hand after Jimin sets her down. I drive to the Hospital as Jin hyung sat shotgun. Joon and Yuna sit in the back talking softly about some book he bought her.

We reach the hospital and head towards the front desk to sign in Yuna. Yuna is tightly grasping Namjoon's hand. She looks extremely panicked. We move to the waiting room and sit down. I pull Yuna in my lap and say softly, "Shhh calm down munchkin. We are right here and no one is going to hurt you. I know you are really afraid but don't worry. We are just making sure that you are healthy." I know I am just repeating what the boys said but it calmed her down slightly so I counted it as a win.

"Kim Yuna" calls out a nurse. We all stand and follow her. "Please stand on the scale sweetie" she says to Yuna. Yuna reluctantly let's go of my hand and does as told. "She's underweight for her age and also isn't the proper height" says the nurse to Jin who nods. "The doctor will tell about the rest" she says and leaves the room.

The doctor soon enters with a file which I suppose is Yuna's. "Yuna is due for two shots" says the doctor. "Also I suggest making an appointment with the nutritionist taking into consideration her height and weight." he continues. "We have already made an appointment" says Namjoon. "That's good" says the doctor.

The nurse enters with the injections and asks Yuna to fold her sleeves. It's like something snaps inside Yuna and her eyes fill up with tears. Her lips start to trembel and she reaches out towards Jin. Yuna rarely shows her fear or sadness and this is the first time she has reached out to be held by one of us.

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