《33 Where There's An Ant, There's A Plot Twist》

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HIIII GUYS!!!!! I'm so, so sorry for not updating!!!! I had serious writers block and lots of family visiting the past 2 weeks. But I finally finished this chapter in school today, so here it is! And pls don't be mad at me for not updating 😕. It has... oh wow- 4067 words. So um... enjoy? And I'll be looking into my Magnus Chase and Peter Parker crossover as soon as I publish this chapter! 

Peter POV:

On the way back to Eddie's, I could have sworn that something fell through the window of the car, but when I looked out the window, I didn't see anyone who could have thrown anything. Huh, maybe it was just my imagination.

"Hey Peter, mind grabbing me a pencil? I left mine back at the tower and there's this guy in the lane next to us that looks like he's having a mental mid-life crisis." MJ asked me and I nodded.

"Sure," I say and reach down to my backpack and unzip the top, then I grab my pencil case and hand it to MJ. She opened it up and started sketching this guy's face, while I zoned out and stared out the window.

Scott POV:

As soon as I was ejected, - or as the kids say these days, yeeted, - I grabbed the donut bag, paper airplane, and found Peter's - or at least I hope it was Peter's - backpack. I dragged the donut into it, and re-folded the piece of paper I flew here on, into a more readable shape. Then stuck it in the bag with the donut. But just as I was about to get out of Peter's bag, someone reached down and grabbed the bag and shoved something in it. It looked like... a pencil case? Oh no... they're zipping up the bag. I'm scared of the dark!

[Baby time skip from Marshmallow \=^_^=/ ]

Peter POV:

As I opened the front door to Eddie and Anne's apartment, I hear two people talking. It sounds like Eddie and... someone else. I don't know who, but they have a deep gruff voice. As soon as I pushed open the door, I dropped my bag on the ground and went into the living room.

"Eddie! I'm... home?" I said as I saw him standing in the living room with some sort of black thing on his chest. Though it looked like it was receding... into him? It was quiet for a moment before MJ and Ned came up behind me.

"Hi Mr. Peter's Dad Sir, we'll be in Peter's bedroom." MJ suddenly said, and dragged me and Ned down the hall. She opened a few doors until she finally found mine. How she knew it was mine, I have no idea- well I mean there are a few star wars posters on the walls... and my unopened lego R2D2 lego set was on my new desk.

MJ pushed us through the door and closed it, then held her finger to her lips signaling for us to be quiet. Suddenly I heard Eddie's voice again, and the other deeper one.

"That was..." Eddie started to say.

"Weird." The other voice finished, and it somehow sounded unhuman. "So, tater tots?" It asked. "Oooh and with chocolate. I love chocolate." It seemed to ask Eddie, and then we heard footsteps. I spoke up.

"Who..." I started.

"Combines chocolate and tater tots?" Ned finished for me. "I mean chocolate and strawberries I can understand. But tater tots? That just sounds wron-"

"Ned," I interrupted him, giving him a look.

"Oh my bad, you're right. Chocolate and oranges are much better than chocolate and strawberries. Ever had those chocolate orange slices? My family gets them every christmas! They're so good!" He rambles, and I facepalm.

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