Chapter 4/iS rOnNIkIns WrItTiNg tO hIs giRlFriEnD?!

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Ron's POV:

I wake up to the sound of pecking at my window, I slowly open my eyes to see Hermione's owl at my window with a letter. I slowly get up and open the window. "Darn Hermione, why so early?" I mumble sleepily. I take the letter from her owl, i give her some treats and send her back off to Hermione. I read the letter and couldn't help but feel the same way as 'Mione, after reading it through I begine to write a reply;

Dear Hermione,

I know exactly what you're saying, I'm worried for Harry, this just isn't like him. Do you have any ideas of what we could do?

Your mate, Ron.

I put the letter in an envalope and send it off with Pig.

Later that day I was hanging out with the twins who are planning a prank on Ginny, "Ron! Pig is at the window!" George told me. "Alright, thanks." I reply while walking over to the window. I open it up and see a letter from Hermione. I open it up and read;

Dear Ron,

I'm so glad you feel the same way and I'm not just being paranoid. I'm not exactly sure of what to do but I would like your opinion on this idea, I was thinking since I also live in the muggle world I could visit Harry. I mean I doubt his relatives will mind since I will be taking muggle transportation and muggle clothing, plus the bus ride would only be a little over an hour long. What do you think?

Your friend, Hermione.

As I finish reading it through I quickly go grab some parechement and a quill, and I begine to write a reply.

"~What you rushing to write to your girlfriend~" asks Fred. I start blushing furiously but I just roll my eyes and move on and continiue to write a reply;

Dear Hermione,

I think that's a great idea! I wish I could come with you to visit Harry. Just be safe that's all. Also are you going to tell Harry about this visit?

(P.S what in the bloody hell is a bus?)

Your mate, Ron.

I give Pig a small treat and send him off with the letter.

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