Chapter 13/ #brocken

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Sirius's POV:

Me and Remus get floo called by Molly Weasley around Dinner time, 'I wonder what's going on? Probably Harry causing some trouble.' I think to myself with a small chuckle.

"What do you think this is about?" Remus asks me.

"Hmm.. Not sure. Harry must have gotten into some more trouble, that boy is just like Prongs, always getting into trouble." I reply.

"Pfft- Prongs wasn't the only one who got into trouble."

"Alright, alright I get it. Let's go talk to Molly." I say while laughing a little.

We talk to Molly but what she's saying about Harry doesn't seem to be some silly trouble he and his friends are getting in. I look at Remus with a worried face.

"Don't worry Sirius. It'll be ok, we will go check on Harry to see what's wrong and we will help him." Remus sais.

'That man always knows how to calm me down.' I think to myself while giving him a small smile.

(Tiny time skip to when they get to the Dursley's place brought to you by Sirius's beautiful hair.)

After explaining the situation to Mrs. Figgs and of course making sure she's ok after basicaly giving her a heart attack we head off to #4 Privet Drive.

"Mum.. do you think it's ok that we go in? There's a lot of yelling.." Ron sais.

"HARRY!" We hear Hermione yell.

As soon as I hear that I snap. I burst through the door and wish to have never witnessed what I have today. My godson, being beaten by the people who are supposed to love and take care of him.

Remus's POV:

After a couple hours of calming Ron and Sirius down and almost giving Mrs. Figgs a heart attack, we finaly make it to #4 Privet Drive.

"Mum.. do you think it's ok that we go in? There's a lot of yelling.." I hear Ron say, I love how much that kid cares for him.

"HARRY!" We hear Hermione yell.

Sirius bursts through the door and I can't belive my eyes, No. I don't want to belive my eyes.

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