Chapter 17/ omg Harry is Picasso

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Hermione's POV:

We looked through his sketch book and bloody hell were they amazing.. He had drawings of all of us together, drawings of the weasley familly, he even had drawings of all the trios in the school.

He had named them 'The Legendary Trio' which had P. McGonagle, P. Snape and P. Dumbledoor. 'The Golden Trio' which was me Ron and Harry, 'The Silver Trio' which had Ginny, Luna and Neville and of course 'The Bronze Trio' which had Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini.

He had various drawings from silly TV shows like Rick and Morty, SpongeBob, How To Train Your Dragon, Ever After High, Family Guy, and a LOT of different animes, like Demon Slayer, OHSHC, TPN, DR,  Kakegurui and even some Ghibli animes. It was funny when Ron didn't know what any of these shows are.

I think the only bad thing we saw were some more... concerning drawings.

"So! What was your favorite drawing?" Ron asked me cheerfully.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure, maybe the one where it says 'TheGolden Trio VS The Bronze Trio'!

"Oh yeah! I love how it says 'Daddys boy' on Malfoys mug!" Ron says laughing.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Probably that really cool dragon drawing! The one you said was from some kind of.. Movie?" He replys talking about How To Train Your Dragon. I just laugh in return.

"Though there were some... concerning ones.." He said unsure of if he should mention it.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"RON, HERMIONE! COME DOWNSTAIRS!" We hear Mrs. Weasley yell.

We run downstairs and see all the adults still sitting at the couch.

"Hermione, Ron dear, why don't you children come here? We have somethings to ask you guys." Mrs. Weasley said in a kind voice.

"Alright mum." Ron replys.

I nod and me and Ron walk over and sit down.

"What is it you guys wanted to ask us?" Ron sais knowing already what they will most likely ask.

"Well we wanted to know if Harry has told you guys.. anything or if you guys have noticed some things wrong?" Professor. Lupin said calmly, although it was easy to tell he was just keeping it together, I guess it's gotta difficult always being the calm one. Sirius, Mr. and Mrs. Wealsey nod at his statement.

"Well Hermione and me first decided to check up on Harry because he hadn't been replying to our letters and we were worried for him after what happened last year.." Ron started.

"That's true, and when we were on the train back from Hogwarts Harry just kinda seemed out of it." I added.

"I don't know why I never realized this but now that I think of it, every time Harry came to the burrow at the end of the summer he always seemed smaller." Mrs. Weasley said.

"That's right! When i tought DADA I always thought that Harry was so much smaller than other students." Proffeseur. Lupin added.
Sirius just nodded along to all this

We talked for a while and at the end we decided we would wait here for a while to see if he'll come back, and to let him cool off a little.

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