Chapter 11/Sirius, why do you hate the door? :(

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Harry's POV:

I bring the food up for Hermione and see that she's sitting quietly on my bed.

"Morning Hermione, I made breakfast. You can stay here but I'm going to have to ask you to be quite, very quite. I really can't have my relatives know your here without permission." I said.

"Alright, thanks Harry. Aren't you going to eat breakfast too?"

"No I'm fine, I ate down stairs."
Of course that's a lie but she doesn't need to know that.

"Oh.. Alright then Harry!"
She replied looking happy at her breakfast.
"Did you really make this? It looks delicious!"

"Yes I did." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Look Harry... We have to talk about what happened last night. I know you don't want to and trust me n'either do I, but what the hell Harry. What's going on? You know you can talk to us, and don't give me some bloody shit saying this was your first time and you made some bad desisions because I know for a fact it's more than that."
Hermione said putting down her food.

I sigh and and try to think of a good reply.

"I know.. And honestly I'm just really stressed lately with all the bloody crap that's going on.. And your right it's not my first time doing that but I definetly don't do it often." I reply, of course that's only half the truth but hopefully that will satisfy her curiousity.

"And what about the bruises Harry?"

"Oh those, well most of them are from drunken fights." I say while laughing a little.

"Alright.." She replys.

Hermione's POV:

I want to belive him but I can't help but feel like that isn't the whole truth. The Harry I know is to bloody stubburn to tell the truth and ask for help so quickly. On top of that it just doesn't quite add up, if he doesn't get drunk/high with his friends very ofen then why are his bruises looking so recent? And I know for a fact that he isn't just doing this because of 'stress'. I mean just look at how skinny, pale and bruised up he looks. And why is it so important that his relatives don't know I'm here? For now I'll let it slide, but when Ron and the addults come Harry will have some explaining to do.

Third POV:

The two sit there in a comfortable silence when the sound of stomping is heard throughout the house, Hermione could have sworn she heard Harry say 'Shit' but let it slide.

Vernon was stomping down the stairs ready to yell at Harry to make breakfast until he noticed it was already made. 'Good, the freak is finally learning some manners' he thought to himself. A little later Petunia and Dudley woke up and Petunia started making an undo able list of chores for Harry to finish that day.

"Boy get started on your chores!" Petunia shrieked.

"Coming!" Harry answered.

"Harry, why is she yelling at you like that?" Hermione asks.

"Oh she's just grumpy at everyone in the morning, nothing to worry about." Harry reply's with a reassuring smile.

"Alright." Hermione sais.

Harry goes downstairs and get started on his chores but not before a slap to the face from his Aunt Petunia, luckly Hermione was to far away to hear that.

The day goes on like normal and luckly not to much yelling and hitting for Hermione to get suspicious, Harry goes to check on Hermione a couple times and they talk. Everything was going fine until around 1:00pm when Harry was washing the Dursleys lunch dishes and Hermione was on her phone in Harry's room waiting for Ron to come, Harry accidentaly droped a plate and of course it broke.


"I-i'm sorry Uncle Vernon I clean up the mess." Harry reply's worried about what Hermione will think.

Of course today had to be the day Vernon snaps, he grabs Harry by his over sized t-shirt and pins him to the wall.

"YOU STUPID FREAK! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE!" Vernon sais while punching Harry in the face.

Harry falls to the ground with a thud, of course all this racket makes Hermione come out of the room, wand ready in her hand. He see's this and gets extremely angry.

"YOU BROUGHT ONE OF THOSE FREAKS INTO MY HOME? ARE YOU TRYING TO MURDER MY FAMILLY?!" Vernon starts kicking Harry's already broken body.

"HARRY!" Hermione yells.

And at that second Sirius bursts through the door with Ron by his side.

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