Chapter 10/Sleepy Stinky bugs

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Hermione's POV:

Harry quickly gets changed and asks me if I want some sort of pyjama but I say no, after that he tells me I can sleep on the bed and he'll sleep on the foor with some blankets. We get ready for bed but I tell him;

"Just so you know your not off the hook, I'm just to exausted to deal with this. Your going to explain this tommorow."

"Yeah, yeah. Good night 'Mione."

"Good night."

Harry's POV:

'Mione falls back asleep pretty quickly but I don't feel like waking her up with one of my nightmares so instead i decide to draw. I a picture of Vidia from TinkerBell because everyone knows she's te best fairy, I honestly didn't realise how much time had passed until I looked at my alarm clock and it read 6:47 am.

I decide since it's almost 7am I might aswell get up, I don't want Hermione seeing anything she doesn't need to, she already saw way to much last night

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I decide since it's almost 7am I might aswell get up, I don't want Hermione seeing anything she doesn't need to, she already saw way to much last night. I quickly get up and take a shower to remove the smell of alchahol on me and start my chores for the day. I finish moping the floors and dusting the entire house and by this time it's 7:30am so I get started on making breakfast. By 8am I'm finished making eggs and bacon with some toast, I made a little more that usual for Hermione but she's going to have to eat in my room because I don't need Aunt Petunia thinking we were shagging all night. I set the table and bring some upstairs for Hermione.

Hermione's POV:

I wake up at around 7:30am and see that Harry isn't in the room, I assume he's down stairs eating breakfast or something but I have no idea how he's up so early when he must be super hung over from last night. God why the bloody hell was Harry even there? I don't even know what to do anymore, I can help Harry defeat Basalisks and help him with homework and standing up to bloody Malfoy but this.. This is different.

I look around and see this beautiful drawing of Vidia, a fairy from a kids movie. I remeber adoring those movies when I was younger. I wonder if Harry drew this? I look around some more and realise Harry doesn't have much in his room, almost like it's not even his house. I decide to quickly write a letter to Ron about this before Harry comes back up stairs, I know he won't want me to tell them but I don't think he understands how seriouse this situation is and I don't know how to help him.

Dear Ron,

I need you to come to #4 Privet Drive ASAP, I don't want to explain the situation through a letter but I'm very worried about Harry and I need help.
He doesn't know I'm writing this letter to you but please tell Mrs. Weasley, Proffeseur. Lupin and Sirus Black to come with you.

Your friend Hermione.

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