Chapter 12/ OH MY LORDY LORD

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Ron's POV:

I'm helping mum with dinner when I hear tapping on the window, I already assume it's Hermione considering she went to Harry's place yesterday. I head to the window and let her owl in, I read her letter expecting everything to alright at Harry's, maybe he's just stressed right now. But no, her letter was nothing but alarming.

Dear Ron,

I need you to come to #4 Privet Drive ASAP, I don't want to explain the situation through a letter but I'm very worried about Harry and I need help.
He doesn't know I'm writing this letter to you but please tell Mrs. Weasley, Proffeseur. Lupin and Sirus Black to come with you.

Your friend Hermione.

I show mum the letter and explain what has been going on for the last couple of weeks although I doubt I explained it well since I'm panicking. I love Harry and would do anything for my best mate but bloody hell can he make you worried.

Mum floo calls Sirius Black and Proffeseur. Lupin but I'm still just sitting there thinking of all the bloody terrible possibilities of what happened to make 'Mione so worried.

(Tiny time skip to when they go to the Dursley's brought to you by Luna playing with the Nargles.)

When we're finaly all ready my father also decides to come, he sais that 'Harry is apart of the Weasley familly in all but blood'. Personaly I would LOVE to have Harry as a brother.

We floo to Mrs. Figgs house (I think we gave her a heart attack) and walk down the street to #4 Privet Drive, when I get to the door I hear yelling but I can't make out the words.

"Mum.. do you think it's ok that we go in? There's a lot of yelling.."

"HARRY!" We hear Hermione yell.

As soon as we heard that Sirius burst through the door and we see something no one should ever go through.

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