Chapter 15/ Harry go Hulk

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Harry's POV:

"Oh lord... Well then dears why don't you eat some food that I made?" Molly sais realizing we are the only ones who haven't eaten anything.

"Oh it's fine- Non of us usualy eat whether it's by choice or not." Tommy said chuckling.

"Oh come on, sometimes we go to McDicks (McDonalds) at 3am after getting down from our high." I reply laughing. (A/N: Let's pretend McDicks would be open at 3am)

"Pffft- TRUE!" Tommy sais (yells) still a little high.

"Ok you know what, we're gonna get some water in your system before you make an even bigger scene in front of Harry's friends." Hailey sais.

"You know what. I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore. Harry let us help you, what in the bloody hell is going on!?" Sirius sais loosing his temper.

"I'm sorry Sirius but there really isn't that much to it, my relatives are dicks and I'm not the little perfect golden boy you all think you know. I mean what did y'all really expect, trauma had to get to me at some point." I reply laughing a little at the end.

"Harry! Please! This isn't funny!" Hermione sais.

Ron, who finaly got out of his shocked state sais;
"No! The Harry we know would never do this to himself! Please come back to us, tell us what's wrong, stop haning out with these bad people! This isn't you!"

This really pushes me over the edge, Ron knows NOTHING about me and he has no right to insult my friends and make assumptions.

"Oh Ron you better bloody shut the hell up." I say in a menacing tone. "You have no right to make these assumptions and accusations when you have had the perfect life! Perfect familly, amazing friends, minimal bloody traumatizing experiences! WHEN YOU GET BEATEN EVERY BLOODY DAY BY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE YOU, WHEN YOU BULLIED FOR SHIT YOU CAN'T CONTROL, WHEN YOUR EXPECT TO SAVE THE ENTIRE BLOODY WIZARDING WORLD AT THE AGE OF 11 AND CONTINIOUSLY GET PUT INTO TRAUMATIZING EVENTS EVERY BLOODY YEAR! AND EVERY BLOODY TIME YOU GET CLOSE TO PEOPLE THEY DIE! THEY'RE DEAD AND I CAN'T BRING THEM BACK! TELL ME HOW YOU COPE! Do you even know what it's like to be scared and afraid of your own family? Do you know what it feels like to be kicked out of your own house only to be raped by a bloody stranger at night, I was just trying to sleep peacfully in a bloody alleyway."
I say tears streaming down my face, having enough of this bloody bullshit.

"I-" Ron starts.

"No. Let me bloody finish. These so called 'bad people' are my friends. The only friends that have been there for me in the hardest bloody times. The people I trust not to yell at me or judge me. As much as I love all of you, you guys have no idea of what goes on in my life."

Before anyone can say anything I get up and leave. They go to follow me but Davy luckly stops them and my gang follows me out.

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