Chapter 6/Let's meet the squad😎😎

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Harry's POV:

Turns out that everyone in the small gang that was partying last night are all really nice. There's Davy who is absolutly hilarious and super nice, he had sholder length messy brown hair he's pretty tall, I bet he would be pretty buff if it wasn't for the fact that most of us don't really eat. His familly is dangerously similar to mine. Like I said most of the people that come to this park have some kind of bagage.

Then there is Nick, she's kinda rude but in a good and funny way, she has super long light pink hair, she's fairly short but it's from the same reason as me. Neglect. Right now she lives in a group home but they're pretty poor and none of them really get along. She's also amazing at skateboarding, she told me she could teach me so that's something to look up for.

Then there is Tommy, now he's pretty cool. I dont know much about him but I know his childhood wasn't the best and he knows Davy from when they were in middle school. He's a pretty average hight and honestly looks normal, but looks can be desiving.

And last but not least there's Hailey, she's dating Tommy and is studying psychologie. Turns out her parents abandoned her and her brother, and all she had was her brother, but 3 years later he died from accidental over-dose. So she's like the mom of the group, always making sure we dont die. She has shoulder length dark blue hair and had these amazing navy blue eyes that look like the night sky.

We spent the night getting drunk and Davy introduced me to weed. I've obviously had alchahol before but last night was extrem, it was around 5am when I snuck back in the house. And of course I woke up with a raging headake. Sadly at 8am I had to get up and make breakfast for my relatives (and of course never eat any my self).

I'm very glad Tommy taught me how to cover up the smell of drugs and alchahol because I can't even begine to imagine what would happen if my Aunt Petunia would find out. You see the Dursleys goal is always to be perfect and normal. So of course that wouldn't include drugs and a specialy doesn't include a freak lile me.


It's been about a week and every night after everyone falls asleep I go meet up with my new friends. Turns out Davy is actually a dealer so me and the group get most of our shit from him, not only that but I've actually been getting really good at skateboarding to! Hailey's an amazing teacher and she let me buy a penny board from her. But the thing that suprised me the most is how much my tolarence for weed and alchahol is this past week.

Tonight was amazing, me Nick and Hailey were dancing on the table tops and at around 1am we all went to Tommy's place and watched Rick and Morty all cuddled up until we all fell asleep.

Hermione's POV:

It has been a week since me and Ron decided I would pay a visit to Harry and he still hasn't replyed to any of our letters. So it has been decided next Wednesday I'm paying #4 Privet Drive a visit.

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