Chapter 16/ the aDuLtS are talking

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Ron's POV:

I knew things were bad, but... raped..? I can't belive everything he's gone through, and I didn't even think to help a little more. Instead I just made things worse by being a bloody jerk.

"Ron... Don't beat yourself up. You never should have said those things but we all know you love him and it was a mistake. Just appolagies next time we see him.." Hermione sais, tears threatning to fall.

I just sit there, no one else daring to utter a word. Until suddenly out of no where Sirius gets up and kicks a chair.

"RAPED! HE'S BEEN BLOODY RAPED AT WHO KNOWS WHAT AGE! AND WE WEREN'T EVEN THERE FOR HIM!" Sirius yells tears falling freely down his face.

"Hey, hey, calm down Sirius. We will help him no-" Remus starts before he was cut off by Sirius again.

"NO! Remus it's not okay! Did you see his eyes Remus! They were sad, empty, silenced, dead. He has been fucking beaten, straved, raped, hurt, and so much more we probably don't even know about his entire life! And we were just sitting around doing nothing his entire life! Remus please!"

"Sirius plea-" once again Remus was cut off by Sirius continuing his rant.

"No Remus I can't calm down! Every year we didn't even think to check up on him at his house hold! Instead we just put him through bloody traumatizing events no child should ever have to face! Did you hear him Remus? He thinks it's his fault they're dead!" Sirius finishes.

Remus goes to hug him and Sirius just sobs into his hug.

"Children go upstairs." Mum sais her voice wavering.

I know not to argue, not right now.
Me and 'Mione head upstairs to what I think is Harry's room while the adults are talking downstairs.


I walk into Harry's room and take a look around, he doesn't have much... Is that a maid dress on the chair? There's blood stains all over his bed, that is if you would even call it a bed. It's more like an old ratty mattress and a sorry exuse for a blanket.
I look around some more and see a picture, I belive it's Harry's parents. And now that I realize it smells like pot.

I see 'Mione sitting on a little collection of blankets and pillows looking down at her hands, I guess that's what she slept on.

"Hey 'Mione.. What happened? Last night I mean, when you saw Harry."
I ask.

"Oh.. Well like I said last night I went to sleep in a small shelter at a park, a creepy park at that. And it was fine for awhile but around 10:30 - 11:00pm people started having some kind of party." She replied.

"I'm gonna guess those 'people' were Harry and his friends?" I ask.

"Yes.. They were singing, dancing, playing silly games like Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, Tag, they did quite a lot of karaoke actually. And the funny thing is that they weren't that bad at singing, even if they were drunk off they're arses. Let's not forget to mention that they were yelling, a lot. To be honest it seems like they had a lot of fun.. Harry really seems to love those guys... Anyways at around 3am I finaly had enough of them being so noisy and irresponsible, so I came out of the shelter and was about to ask them to be quiet when I saw Harry there. He was singing a song, wearing a maid dress, high and drunk off his arse and he had bruises.. Everywhere." She continiued.

"Wow... what did you do then?" I ask still suprised at how little we knew about Harry.

"Well number one, I think Harry was wearing that dress because of a dare, and number two after that I obviously questioned him and stuff but he was completly unfazed and carefree. He just continiued drinking a bottle of tequilla and talking to his friends.
After a little bit he brought me to his house because he didn't want me sleeping in the park-" She was saying before I cut her off.

"Yeah good. How is it that your the smart one when you decided to sleep in a schetchy park, in an area you don't know very well, without telling any friends?" I ask chuckling a little.

"I- You know what let finish my story."
'Mione sais embarrased.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright." I reply.

"So, he brought me to his house and we came in through the windows, he let me sleep on his bed and made a little spot for him to sleep on the floor. After that I told him he wasn't off the hook and that I hoped he sleeps well, although I highly doubt he went to sleep." She sais sighing at the end.

"What do you mean he didn't go to sleep?" I ask confused.

"Well when I fell asleep he was still just laying there with his eyes open, and when I woke up I saw this gorgeous drawing of a fairy from a childrens movie on his bed."

"Movie? You mean those muggle film things we learned about in school?" I ask.

"Yes Ron. A movie, I don't know if you realized or not but me and Harry both live in the muggle world." 'Mione replies teasing me.

"Okayyy- Well I didn't know Harry could draw, but then again there was a lot of thing we didn't know about him.." I reply.

"Yeah me neither! Here let me show you the drawing!" Hermione replies trying to lighten the mood.

She gets up and goes searching for something. Once she finds a little schetch book she comes back over.

"Here, this is what i saw this morning." She sais happily.

She hands me a beautiful drawing od this purple fairy. Bloody hell is it goegeous, I never knew he was so talented.


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"Wow... This.. This is bloody amazing!" I say.

"I know right! I couldn't belive my eyes this morning when I saw it. Do you think Harry would mind if we looked at his other drawings?" 'Mione asks.

"I don't think so.. I mean what could he have to hide in his drawings?" I reply.

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