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Hermione's POV:

After me and Ron talked I started making plans to go see Harry. I asked my parents and they said it was completly fine, although me and Ron decided we were going to wait a little while longer to ses if Harry will start replying to our letters.

Harry's POV:

I've been trying to go to sleep for hours, but everytime I start to drift of I start having nightmares about old Voldy-Moldy and other shit like that. I checked the time to see it was only 11:47, I decided since the Dursleys are asleep and I can't seem to fall asleep I'll just go to the park. The park is pretty sketchy to most people, but to me and all the other children that go there it's a place where we seek comfort and other people who can relate to our situations.

It's been a while since I've gone to this park, I think the last time I went there was when I was 11 years old, my Uncle Vernon had just punched me multiple times and I was just feeling sad. So I went to the park when I knew everyone was asleep, and made some new friends there.
You would also see a lot of teenagers doing drugs and stuff over there, but even those teens had they're reason to be there. And I can tell you this, the one thing everyone there had in common is that how we ended up there, was shitty.

I made sure everyone in the house was asleep before climbing out my window and walking to the skate park. Once I get there I sit on the swings and before I really notice I start to dissasociate. I know it's a bad habbit but when I dissasociate it feels so free. There is no Death Eaters chasing after me, there is no Voldy-Moldy, there is no friends to worry about, there is no Dursleys to be afraid of, there is no Dumbledor telling me what to do and there is no bullies or Malfoys I have to worry about. I'm not 'The-Boy-Who-Lived', I'm not my parents, I'm me. Harry James Potter.

I'm sitting on the swings and there's a group of teenagers partying near by. When a nice looking guy comes up to me from they're group. He also kinda looks drunk but I'm just gonna ignore that.

"Hey! You alright there? You look a little shaken up. Wait.. Have I seen you here before?"

The guy asks me.

"Hey, I'm not really sure you've seen me here before because the last time I came here I was 11. And I'm as good as I can be. I honestly don't think anyone who comes to this park at night is 'alright' though." I reply with a dry laugh.

"Pffft- that's true. You wanna come hang out with me and my friends? If you want we can talk about it. My names Davy by the way."

"Sure why not. Names Harry, nice to meet you."

Usualy I would just nicely decline but tonight, I just wanna be free.

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