Walk Chapter 14

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Jonah, October 16th, 2:33 am: I chuckle from my place on my bed. She's sitting out on the little bridge I made talking to me about her day even though I already heard most of it. She starts talking about her home life. Why they moved to Santa Monica and how she wished she had more friends or at least friends that were human or girls. 

I laugh again but not loud enough so she could hear. Then she started asking questions and I'd always answer, just silently to my empty room. ''Does everyone have a unique smell? Wait I know the answer to this one because you said I smelled good...'' She keeps going like me finding her delicious is completely normal.

When she doesn't yawn for a whole hour I get up and walk over to the window. I peek out through my curtains. Shes continuing with her questions still talking with her hands even though there's no one there to see. I smile at her and she doesn't even know I can see her. ''How about I give you some real answers?'' I ask. I left my window cracked open so she could hear me. 

''Then join me.'' She pats the wood looking right at me though I know she still can't see me. I open my window further and slide out onto our bridge. 

''Can we go somewhere more private?'' I ask her. 

''More private than our secret bridge at three am?'' She laughs. 

''Yes.'' I move out onto the board and stand up. 

''Maybe you should put on a shirt before we go anywhere.'' She says eyeing my bare torso. I smile and shrug dipping into my room and returning with a shirt in under a second. She hadn't even gotten a chance to blink before I had the shirt on. 

''Now can we go?'' I ask feeling impatient for some reason. She nods and I grab her throwing her on my back. When her arms and legs are wrapped around me I drop to the ground. As soon as my feet touch the ground I take off. I stay in the shadows so I'm not spotted even this late at night. We make it to the beach in about two minutes. I gently let her off of my back so she can catch her breath. ''You okay?'' 

She nods and I start walking towards the water. She stumbles in the sand trying to keep up. I take of my shoes leaving them a few feet back and she does the same. I walk close enough so that when the waves crash just the edges of the water run over my feet. 

''Okay can I ask questions now?'' She asks when she finally catches up with me. 

''Yes but I want to ask some as well.'' I say. 

''Okay, Grayson says you've never killed anyone is that true?'' 

''Next question.'' 

''It's your turn.'' If I wasn't remembering my answer to her question I would have smiled at her for not pressuring me to answer. 

''Do you hate your mom? For what she did?'' I look down at her but she's looking down at her feet, her face full of concentration. 

''No, I don't think I could ever hate her no matter how much I want to. It does make it hard to look at her. That's why I'm with my dad.'' 

''What's Grayson's story?'' And how quickly she changed the subject to him. 

''He saw something he wasn't supposed to and I couldn't wipe his memory so it was either kill or turn him.'' 

''You turned him?'' 

''Yes.'' I'm sure he already told her I was the one to do it. Curious little thing just wants more details. 

''Was it hard for you?'' 

''Physically or mentally?'' I question looking back down at her. 

She looks up at me as she answers, ''Both.'' 

''Yes.'' I answer then look away. ''I wouldn't want this for anyone, but I didn't want to kill him. He's seventeen his life is just starting.'' 

''How old were you when you were turned?'' 

''Eighteen. Though I was always told I looked younger than what I am.'' 

''How old are you actually?'' 

''I think it's my turn for a question.'' She sighs then nods for me to continue. ''When was your first kiss?'' 

''Isn't that a little personal?'' She questions. 

''And asking me if I've killed anyone isn't?'' 

''True, I was twelve. I was playing a dumb version of spin the bottle and I had to kiss this guy. He was super attractive but he ended up spreading a rumor that we had sex.'' 

''You were twelve.'' I say thinking about the experiences I was going through at twelve. 

''That's why most people didn't believe him but those few were enough to make it torture. How did you know I didn't want to go home? When I was drunk. I told you I didn't want to go home and you said I know.'' 

''Being your neighbor with super hearing, I hear almost everything. Like your dad getting drunk and the nights that you cried yourself to sleep because of stress. Before we were friends those were the nights I longed for sleep.'' 

Ann, October 16th 3:46 am: I'm shocked by his words. It's not that I thought he didn't care it's just that I didn't know he cared that much. ''"The sun doesn't bother you?" I ask as we walk down the beach.

"Myth, we'll sort of, it's more like you get sunburned once then we tan." He grins like there's something more to it. 

"So how it is for humans." I think back to all of the summers I got a massive tan after being sun burnt. 

"You could put it that way." 

''Come on, I want to understand you guys.'' I beg. 

''Okay so when it reaches a certain temperature we set to flame.''

''Like actually on fire?'' 


''How long does it last?'' 

''Twenty four hours, it's not as painful as the change but still quite irritating. But once that's done it's much easier to pass as human. That's why some vampires are depicted as so pale because they refuse to go through the process and stay in cold places.'' 

''Wow, that's insane.'' She says. 

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