Dinner With Scamander

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Regulus and I are standing at my doorstep, I was about to knock on the door but I stop right before I actually do it.

"What's wrong?" Regulus asks me. "Don't you want to go inside?"

"I want to marry you." I tell him. I want nothing more than to marry him but is the timing right?

"But?" He asks.

"But how do we know if it's safe right now? You know.. with everything that's going on?"

"If you aren't ready, don't worry. I'll wait for you as long as it takes." Regulus says, taking my hand in his.

"I'm ready.. I just don't know if it's safe for us." I say. "I don't want you to get hurt because you marry me."

"I could always ask my mother, Narcissa or Andromeda what they think about it first." Regulus says to me.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. It can't hurt to see what they think about it."

"If they say it will be safe for us, I'll get a ring Ava propose."

"Sounds like a plan. I may or may not say yes." I jokingly say.

"I would hope so." Regulus says, smiling cheekily.

I knock on the door and my dad was the one who opens it.

"Hey dad." I say, hugging him tightly. When I pull away, I motion to Reg and say, "you remember Regulus?"

"Yes, nice to see you again Regulus." My father says to him. "I'm glad you could make it tonight."

"I was looking forward to this sir." Regulus says to him. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course, you're clearly very important to my daughter and I would like to get to know you." My father says, shaking Reg's hand.

"Is Paige here?" I ask my father when we enter the house.

"No, she and her son are at her mothers right now for a dinner." My father explains.

"Okay." I say. "Did you cook then?"

"No! I ordered some food." My father says. Regulus and I laugh a little, trying to hide it from my father but he heard it.

The house looks the exact same as the day my mother passed away. There are a few things that have been added by his new girlfriend of course b he the house looks the same for the most part.

Being here sometimes makes me miss my mother so much. I try not to come here as much as I normally would if she was here, but at the same time I want to see my dad. It's a struggle.

"Your house is so beautiful." Regulus whispers to me. "It's so warm and it feels so safe." 

"I know, I love it here." I say to him. "It hasn't changed much since I was young."

"Is that's good or bad?" Regulus asks me.

"It's mostly good, just miss my mother when I'm here."

"I understand that." Regulus says softly. "It'll get easier with time but she's your mother, you'll always miss her."

"She would have really liked you." I tell him. "She would have seen how happy you make me and how hard you're trying to be a good person, and she would have loved you."

"I wish I had the chance to meet her." Regulus admits.

"She was a lot like my daughter except she was very bold." My father jumps in.

"Your daughter can be very bold sometimes too." Regulus adds.

"She definitely got that from her mother, I'm not bold at all."

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