Summer (1)

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Seb's pov:
I used to love summers. They were the best season and there was always at least something you could have done to pass the time.
Last summer I was on a ship, to just relax my mind and body. Even the weather was nice, so there was nothing that could have spoiled it.

I walked around on the deck, hoping to find something interesting and there, right there in front of my eyes. Their clothes swaying in the wind, their eyes closed making me curious of their color and their lips curved into a smile. Oh how I wished to be as relaxed and happy as that person in this very moment.
I pulled myself together and walked up to them.
"Mind if I join?" They opened their eyes and I could have sworn they were the most beautiful shade I've ever seen.
They shook their head and turned towards me, smiling. "What's your name?" They asked. "Oh I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Sebastian, Sebastian Stan." They chuckled and replied "Well, I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you." I smiled, " So, what brings you here on this very ship?" I ask. "My friend and I used to be here often. But tragically they passed away a few years ago. Since then I have come here everytime on their birthday to remember the moments we had shared." Wow. "I'm sorry for your loss...I didn't mea-" they took my hand and smiled. "It's fine, don't worry. Would you like to go grab some coffee sometime?" I nodded excitedly. "Is today fine with you" I asked, hoping to get a yes as an answer. "Yeah, it's fine."

That was our first meeting. It wasn't anything special but neither was it awful. It was just fine. A few months flew by and it was already fall. I had asked y/n to go take a walk with me in central park. We were supposed to meet at 2 pm.
I arrived just in time and there I saw them. Walking towards me with a big smile. All I could think about was how beautiful they looked. "Did you wait long?" I shook my head "no, I just arrived as well...then, wanna go?" They nodded and interlocked arms with me. I could feel my cheeks burn up and y/n chuckled "Aw, you're blushing!" I laughed at that. "Pointing out the obvious again, are we?"

There's gonna be a part 2

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