Valentine's day (Bucky)

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With Bucky

You woke up to the noise of a shouting man. 'Oh god Tony. Doesn't he know that it's only 8 AM?' You thought.

You got up and got dressed. You went down into the livingroom of the Avengers tower. There you could see a sleeping Clint , a mad Natasha, Steve watching the news on the TV and a really happy Tony with a cupid costume.

"Tony ! Why are you shouting ?!?" You asked him.
"Well today is valentine's day and everyone should be happy and should eat chocolate. And because if that, I sent Bucky to get a loooot of chocolate. " He said while smiling like a little kid.

You just sighed and made yourself some sandwiches.
You heard the door open and immediately Tony shouted "THE CHOCOLATE IS HEREEEE!!!"

You wanted to see Bucky and you were shocked/confused to see him happy this early too.
"Hey happy valentine's day doll." He said while kissing you.
"Heyyy Bucky. How are you this happy and smiley so early in the morning ?" You asked him.
"Well today is valentine's day and I bought you some flowers."
"Awwwe thank you this is so sweet!!" You said while hugging him.

You all sat now on the couch eating chocolate and watching TV.
Natasha was now a bit more relaxed and Clint was awake too.
Steve was laughing so hard he could barely breath because of the movie.
Tony and Pepper went into their room and you sat with bucky cuddled up on the couch while eating chocolate.

"I love you Bucky !" You said with a smile spread across your face.
"I love you too darling." And you guys cuddled even more and later on went into your room.

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