ice cream

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"Oh my god Y/n it's-" Bucky turns around to look at the clock. "It's 9AM ! How can you be so energetic already ?" He groans but still takes you in his arms. You wiggle your way out of his grip and go into your kitchen area. After sliding to your beloved fridge you're frustrated to find nothing there. "Shit" you mumble under your breath. With disappointment and a hungry belly you go to the couch to watch TV.

An hour passes by and still Bucky hasn't woken up. Sighing you walk into your bedroom to check up on him. As you open the door you see that Bucky's feet are poking out. Grinning you walk slowly in the direction of his feet. You tickle the shit out of him and he falls to the ground.

He didn't scream. All you heard was a big thump. Panicking you fall to your knees to see if he's still conscious. The put of nowhere he grabs your arm and yanks you to the ground onto his side. Screaming you fell but fortunately didn't hurt yourself thanks to Bucky. "Why did you do that ?!?" You ask him clearly shocked and shit scared. "Well why the hell did you tickle me ?" Bucky answers questioning while chuckling. Rolling your eyes you get up. "Hey we don't have anything in our fridge. We gotta go shopping."

"Or we go grocery shopping tomorrow and eat out today ? What do ya think hun' ?" You did wanted to eat something different than something that you cooked. "Alright but get yourself some pants and a shirt 'cause we're leaving right now !"

You two left your home and walked to your next restaurant. While walking you started to crave for  ice cream and your next restaurant was 20 minutes away. "Babes can we please get some ice cream ?"
"Uh sure but after dinner." Was he for real ? You couldn't wait until 'after' dinner. You started to get angry and tears welled up in your eyes. You yanked your arm away from him and started to walk forward without him.
"Darling ? What's wrong ?" You ignored him and wiped your coming tears while still walking aggressively.

One of your annoying traits were that you cried when you got angry.

Bucky ran to you and turned you around. "Do you really want that ice cream so badly ?" You nod and he takes your hand back into his hand.
"Y'know for your brutal way with hydra agents you're such a softie." You laugh too as you realize that your lost tears were for no good reason.

In the end you got your ice cream that you wanted and you both were happy enough until the next day 'cause you both hated grocery shopping.

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