Summer (2)

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Y/n's POV: 

We walked through the park, our arms interlocked. The wind blowing the leaves away, the shining sun warming my cheeks. Looking to my side I saw Sebastian smiling upon the sky, what a beautiful sight. I wish that I could watch him forever. 

Walking a bit further we reached a bench. It was covered in colorful leaves. "Let's sit down for a while, shall we?", He asked me, looking into my eyes. I could feel my heart skip a beat. This isn't a situation where it would usually happen, however I just couldn't help it, especially with his kindhearted smile. We both removed the leaves and sat down on the bench, talking about the most random stuff. "Did I mention that I love sweets?" I asked him. He shook his head no and asked, "What kind of sweets do you like?" Thinking about it for a second before answering I said "Macarons are my favorite.".

"C'mon let's go!", Sebastian said, holding his hand out. I took it and stood up "Where are we going?", I asked him. He giggled and squeezed my hand lightly "To get some macarons! And then you can tell me which one you liked most." 

We arrived at a cafe which sold macarons and as soon as we entered it, I could smell a whiff of deliciousness. I saw all sorts and colors, it truly was paradise for me. The cafe was decorated prettily with eye-catching lights. The tables small and round with cute chairs that belonged to them. "So which one would you recommend to me?" Sebastian asked. I looked over at the menu and spotted something that would suit him greatly. "I would recommend a Chocolate cherry macaron. What about you? What would you recommend me?" He bit his lip, squinting his eyes slightly as if he were to think about his decision thoroughly. Finally he answered with "Rose petal macarons would suit you best." I chuckled, "And that would be because?" "It's because it reminds me of you." With that his sentence ended and he didn't say a word afterward. 

We both bought a box full of macarons with the most different types and tried all of them one after one. "Haaa you're so right. Macarons really are the best." Sebastian said, letting out a content smile. I nodded agreeing "yup!" 

Sebastian leaned forward from his seat "By the way, do you mind if I walk you home?" I shook my head "No, I'd love it if you would accompany me." I grinned. 

Another part coming soon

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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