Do you remember ?

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It was a cool Saturday morning and you decided to go for a jogging session. When you arrived at the park to jog ,you noticed that the park was awfully full. You didn't know what was going on so you decided to go to the spot where most of the people were. As you got a better look, you could see a man standing there with a lot of people around him. They were screaming a name and you assumed that it was his name that they were calling. Some were holding a piece of paper and others a picture of him. You thought that they maybe wanted autographs of him. You were pretty confused in what was going on, so you decided to ask the girl in front of you. "Hey uhm excuse me but who is this man you're screaming to?"
The girl gave you a weird look but laughed " This man over there is Sebastian Stan. He is an Actor. " I thanked her and went away from the crowd.
(Time skip to when you're done with your jogging session )
' that was very exhausting' you thought to your self but then someone behind you asked " what was exhausting ?" You quickly turned around and saw the man the crowd was cheering to like an hour ago. "Oh hey! Uhm well nothing just my usual jogging session." He just nods and smiles down at me. "Oh yeah and what's your name ? " I asked. He chuckled and responded with :" Well my name is Sebastian Stan and you are ?" " oh I'm so sorry. My name is (y/n) (y/l/n). Pleasure to meet you."
And from that on we became friends and from friends to lovers and from lovers to parents. So yeah that's how I met your father. " Mum , can I ask you something ?"   " Of course darling. "
"Do you know when daddy is going to come back home ? " Lucy asked. Just then we heard some keys jingle from the front door of our apartment. " I think your daddy is here." I whispered to Lucy. She just giggled and went to the front door. You heard how Lucy yelled " DADDYY!" with such joy that you went to join them. As you got to the door, Seb came up to you and gave you a kiss and hugged you.
And let's just say that you guys watched Aladdin and went to bed.

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