Cheater 2

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Nathan lives in a really luxury house. It had 2 stories and there were really big windows. The last time I was at his place, it was still in construction. We pulled over and got out. Nathan showed me my room and helped me unpack. I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I took my phone out and looked at the message. It was from Sebastian 'Hey Y/N, can we meet at a Cafe to talk please ? I'm so sorry for what I did. I was drunk and tired. Please answer me. I love you.'

I didn't wanted to talk to him. Especially not when I'm overwhelmed with my emotions.

Nathan noticed that I got distracted and that my mood changed. "Hey Y/n is everything alright ?"

I inhaled deeply and looked at him. That one sentence of him had sent me into an even more emotional mess. So I started to cry. My chest was hurting and my vision got blurry. Nathan's eyes widened. "Oh god did I say something wrong ?" He ran up to me and took me in his arms before I had the chance to fall onto the hard floor. Nathan sat me down on the bed and rocked me like a little kid from one side to the other. His soft shushing calmed me down and I eventually fell asleep.

Nathan's P.O.V
I laid Y/n down and left the room. I had the temptation to look at her phone but didn't because I thought that she wouldn't like that. I left it alone and went to bed a few hours later.

The next day

I woke up to the knocking sound coming from my door. As I sat myself up to see what time it was, the knocking got louder and stronger.
'Ugh what the hell.' I thought as I grabbed myself a shirt and went downstairs to my front door.

I got to the door and opened it. A man with brown hair was standing in front of me. He was a bit smaller than me and looked into my eyes. "What do you want ?" I asked him. He looked down for a second and up again.
"Is Y/n there?" He asked and just then I realized that this must be her Ex-boyfriend. I clenched my jaw and asked him why he wanted to see her.

Y/n's Ex-boyfriend sighed and answered. "Look I just want to talk to her." I rolled my eyes and rested my arm on the door. "I don't think that she wants to ta-" I heard footsteps approaching and just as I was about to close the door Y/n's Ex came barging into my house yelling like a maniac Y/n's name.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I woke up to people talking downstairs and decided to check out what was happening. I walked down the stairs and then I heard my name. Of course i recognized the voice right away. How could I forget the voice of the one I loved for 3 years.

Sebastian came running to me , hugging me and not letting go. He apologized a thousand times while crying out my name. "Sebastian please let me go." He removed himself from me and looked at me with his blue eyes. Nathan looked pretty pissed and waited next to the door.

"How did you even find me ?" I asked him. "Your sister told me the address where you were going to stay and I booked the very next flight to here."
Sebastian took his head on his hands and took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry for what I did. Please forgive me. I know what I did was wrong but please forgive me." I felt tears prickling in my eyes. "Sebastian what you did hurt me and I can't talk to you  when I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I-"
Sebastian interrupted me. "Y/n I don't care. Hit me, call me names, rip my heart out and put it back but please don't leave me. I can't live without you." I cried again full of anger and frustration. "I don't want to hurt you !" Sebastian took me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Sebastian you know that I love you and I couldn't live without you but I need time. I need time for myself to relax a bit and calm down. We can work this out when we're back in New York but I think you should leave for now." He nodded and hugged me one last time before going out the door. "I love you Y/n."

"I love you too."

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