Blackwood (2)

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"Well because John is going to be working elsewhere and I don't really want to live here anymore because these Blackwoods are evil, manipulative people. You should leave this village too!" She whispered the last part and then said that she had to go. 

After she left, I drank up my coffee and looked outside. There was a red car parked on the side road. Suddenly a man came towards me, "Hey, do you mind me sitting here?" he looked at me with a smile. I nodded in response gesturing at him to take a seat. As he sat down, I could see that he was a really handsome man. "Do you come here often?" he asked me with bis eyebrows raised. Irritated at first, I answered "Uhm...yes, I do". He smiled brightly, taking my hand "Well, that's great! Because then I get to see you more often from now on!". I could feel myself blush a little and took away my hand from his. "Yes, it could be. So what's your name?" He leaned back into his seat, looking directly at me with a slight smirk, "I'm Charles Blackwood. I'm from right up on the hill." Widening my eyes, I didn't even realize that my mouth was slightly hanging open. 

Everyone turned their heads towards us. An older man sighed and drank his coffee aggressively, "Another Blackwood to take our money, just like their tyrant daddy." He took a bite out of his food and continued, "Those Blackwood girls are no different than their daddy. Sittin' up in their castle, rolling in their heaps of silver coins." 

I rolled my eyes and took his hand in mine, "These town's people are not that fond of the Blackwood family. But don't worry because they won't do anything too harmful to you." He smiled at me before standing up with my hand still in his. "Let's go somewhere else, darling." 

We went outside and walked down the road. "May I ask, why are you here?" I asked him out of curiosity. "I came to visit my family and wanted to help them." There was silence for a moment before he pulled me closer to him. "Wanna go for a ride?" 

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