The Subway

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I worked at a little coffee shop near the subway so I always took the public transportation.

It was 7 PM and that's usually the time I go back home.
I packed my stuff together , said my goodbyes and headed out.

I arrived at the subway and saw that I missed it. 'Shit. Now I have to wait 15 minutes.'

I pulled out my phone and texted my roommate that I'll be home a little bit later

The train arrived and I went in. There were no available seats so i just stood next to a rod. I always had to ride 7 stops and now I was only on my 3rd.

A man came into the train and looked at me lustful. He looked kind of creepy but also normal ? I don't know.

He had little to no hair and had a little beer belly. His clothes were pretty normal. Almost every middle aged man wore these clothes. So I just shrugged it off as to pretending to not see him. I backed up a little bit and went back to my phone.

After a while he talked " Hey sweetheart , how about we get out of this place ?"
"I'm fine thank you." Was the only thing you could say but you actually you wanted to say something more badass.

"Oh c'mon let loose" He said again.
"Can you please leave me alone." I said while rolling my eyes.
"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me !" He said with a harsh tone while gripping my wrist.
I was so scared I couldn't even move.

Sebastian's P.O.V

'Now that's enough'
I went up to that dude and pushed him to the side.
"She said that she doesn't want to go with you! Let. Her . Go. !" I said while gripping on his tshirt with my teeth clenched. He walked clearly intimidated away but still tried to act tough.

Y/N P.O.V.

'Thank god he helped me!' I thought while watching the scene occurring in front of me.

The weird man left and the first the that the stranger asked me was if I'm alright.
"Yes thank you for helping me." I replied to his question.
"May I ask how many stops you still have to ride ?" He asked me with curiosity in his voice.
"Uhm I have 4 left. How about you ?" I asked him back.
"Well it just varied to 4."
He just laughed and whike wr rode the subway  we got to know each other more and I got to know that his name is Sebastian.

We arrived at my stop and I assured him that I can go home by myself now.
"No no I'll keep you company until we get there. Because I dont want to go home with the Feeling that you are unsafe. "
I smiled at him because it was really sweet if him to do this.

We arrived at my apartment and he gave me his number to keep in touch.
I hugged him goodbye and went to sleep.

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