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Sebastian was once again away for filming and I was bored out of my mind. I had an idea and started to make my way to the living room. I started looking for the TV remote but couldn't find it anywhere. 'I swear i left it here' I thought. I went back into the bedroom and looked in every shelf and under every pillow. I just couldn't find it and as I was starting to give up , I saw it on the kitchen table but now I didn't wanted to watch TV anymore.

Out of nowhere my phone started buzzing. I looked confused at my phone screen and saw that it was my sister. She left me a message that said
' Hey ! Could you come over to my place please ?' I responded to her message with an 'ok' and put my phone away. Once again I headed to my bedroom and went to my closet. Today was actually a pretty warm day and I decided to wear black leggings with a white tee and a jeans jacket.

I made my way over to my sister and luckily I only needed to walk like 15 minutes to her apartment. As I knocked on her door I heard loud footsteps. 'Oh great her boyfriend is here' I thought in a sarcastic "voice". He opened the door and greeted me with a simple 'Hi'. I just nodded to him and called out for my sister. She came running and said "Oh great you're here ! " while hugging me. "What's wrong ?" I asked her. "Well our friend Olivia just got her heart broken and I thought about a nights out with her. What do you think ?" She looks at me with hope but I had a bad feeling about this. " I don't know...I would love to but I have a lot to do." That was a lie. In reality I just wanted to lay in bed and watch Netflix. "And I don't think it's a good idea going to the club. Can't we go somewhere else like...the park ?" I asked her questioning with a slight smile in an attempt to not go to the club. My sister looked at me " Y/n don't lie to me ! I know that you just want to watch Netflix and eat sweets! But she really needs us at the moment. And aren't you the one who hates parks ?" Shit. "Alright I'll go with you. But where will we go ?" My sister just smiled and said that I should leave it up to her and that I only needed to get Olivia out of bed. I agreed with her and she said that she'll send me the address and that I should meet her there with Olivia.

We met at the club and went inside. It was pretty dark but just enough to see small details of faces. We went to the bar and ordered our drinks. About 5 minutes later my sister dragged us onto the dance floor and forced us to dance. I let loose and had actually fun. I think like 2 hours passed and Olivia went to get drinks and my sister went to the bathroom. I waited there on the dancefloor I started to wonder if I should've helped Olivia with the drinks. When they weren't coming back for like 15 minutes I started to wonder where the hell they were. I made my way out of the dance floor and at the bar I saw Olivia and my sister talking to someone or should I rather say yell at someone. I thought that they got catcalled or grabbed by that person but as I stepped closer , I saw that it was Sebastian. I was confused but still happy to see him. "Hey babe! What are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be at work ?" I ask him with a questioning look. I looked over to my sister and Olivia with a confused look and they just looked furious. " Uhm yeah well we got done with work early and I wanted to go home but Matt, my colleague, wanted to celebrate our finished movie." Icut him off " But I thought that you guys will have an After Party with the whole crew later on ?" My sister grabbed me by my arm and wanted to go but I didn't understand what her problem was. She always used to be on good terms with Sebastian. " Hey what's wrong ?" I ask her with furrowed eyebrows. "Let's just go !" She said and tried to drag me out of there.
" No what the hell ? What's wrong with you ?" I raise my voice at her.
" Y/n I just don't want you to get hurt like Olivia !!!" She says while looking me dead in the eye.
" I don't understand what you mean ! could anyone please tell me what the fuck is going on ?!?"

I look over at Olivia and she looks sad. My sister ,on the other hand, looked furious as if someone talked bad about her behind her back. Then I look over at Sebastian. He just looked down at the ground.
My sister then turned to me and said one of the most hurtful things that anyone could ever tell me. " Y/n I'm sorry that you had to find it out this way but Sebastian here cheated on you !" I felt a stinging pain in my heart and tears formed in my eyes. "Is this true Sebastian ? Please tell me that she is lying !" I beg him trying to look for a "yeah we were just pranking you babe" but instead I got a
"I'm so sorry Y/n." I didn't know what to do. I just ran out of the club without thinking and ran down the street. Luckily there was a cab and I jumped in and let myself drive home. I gave the driver the money and went up my apartment that I shared with Sebastian. I didn't wanted to stay there anymore. So I packed my bags and just as I was about to leave I heard a knock on the door. I knew that it was either my sister or Olivia because Sebastian had his keys and wouldn't have knocked. I opened the door and saw that it was indeed Olivia and my sister. They both looked sorry and I guessed that Olivia had calmed my sister down. " I'm so sorry about what had happened at the bar." Olivia said. "That's not your fault. " I assured her and wanted to go straight past them. But my sister stopped me. "Where are you going ?" My sister asked. "Well I'm thinking about staying with our cousin Nathan. And I'm pretty sure that I'm more than welcome at his'. " They nodded and came behind me. It was too late for a plane now so I stayed at my sister's.

My sister and I left the building early and my sister drove me to the airport. "Hey uh how did you know that he cheated on me ?" I asked her.
"Oh my. Alright, so I was leaving the bathroom when I recognized Sebastian. He had a girl with him at the bar and I assumed that it was you but it wasn't. He was kissing a random girl. I came towards him and slapped him hard. That's when Olivia came and realised the situation. She yelled at him and pushed him against the counter and I mean he deserved it but I felt quite a bit bad for him 'cause it looked like Olivia was going to kill him." She looked over to me in the passenger seat and smiled with sad eyes. I took a deep, long breath and thanked her.

We arrived at the airport and I bought myself a ticket to LA. I waved my sister goodbye and got on the plane.
The flight was comfortable and luckily I had some games on my phone to keep me entertained. Three hours in and I started to feel bored.
"Hey my name is Jade. Nice to meet ya." I heard from beside me  I smiled at her. She was really beautiful. Her hair was dark brown just like her eyes and wow her lips looked amazing. "Hi I'm Y/n. How are you ?" She told me to get closer and whispered in my ear "I'm so bored I wouldn't even be scared when the plane crashed." I laughed at her silliness and asked her what had happened to her recently. And why she's flying to LA. "Well my family and I are planning on going to LA to visit my aunt. Actually my little sister is right two rows behind us." She pointed to her sister and I turned around to see her asleep.
"How long will you be there for ?" I asked her. "Uhm I think about 2 months ? I really don't know but no longer than 6 months though. What are you doing in LA ?" she asked me with curiosity. I sighed deeply "I'm going to my cousin Nathan and I'm intending to stay there." She nodded and said she'll be right back.

The plane landed and the first thing I wanted to do was go to a coffee shop and get myself one big ass coffee.
Eventually I found one and ordered. I sat down and texted Nathan 'hey Nathan it's me Y/n. I'm in LA right now and could you pick me up please ? I'm at this coffee shop near the airport.'
I put my phone away and enjoyed my drink. About 25 minutes later Nathan came and brought me to his car.
He drives a black BMW that actually suits him. Nathan is that kind of guy who looks really intimidating and powerful but he is actually really nice when you're on his good side I guess.

"Y/n why are you in LA ? " he asked me. I didn't know if I should tell him that I got cheated on 'cause I know damn well that he'd be mad as hell. But when I would tell him a lie , he would notice it right away. "Sebastian cheated on me and I wanted to be as far away as possible from him and I haven't seen you in years so I thought I'd pay you a visit." I looked over to him and I could see that he was mad like real mad. His knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel too tight. I knew that this would escalate.
"Nathan please." He looked at me and his face softened. "I'm sorry. But you know you could've called me. I could've prepared us a nice dinner or we could've gone to the movies y'know?" He was right. "I'm sorry." He took a deep breath "Y/n it's ok but please tell me beforehand when you come visit me. And of course you are always welcome but it just surprised me." I nodded and we arrived at his house.

Hii ! Maybe you've noticed the names Jade and Nathan. They will become a big part of this series. This series will last about 3 chapters maybe I really don't know.  Anyways I really enjoyed writing this chapter and there is definitely going to be a second part. So 'til then stay safe and take care ❤

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