The Stark (expo part 2)

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Everyone cheered as Howard Stark came out and welcomed everyone.
He introduced us a flying car but unfortunately it didn't really work but still he promised us that it will fly in the near future.

I looked over to steve but only to find that he was gone. I started to panic and pulled at the sleeves of Bucky's uniform. "Bucky ! Steve is gone!" I said looking around.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows and stood on his tip toes to see over the crowd. "I think I see him. He's over there" Bucky pointed to a direction I couldn't quite see.

We walked hand in hand into the direction Bucky pointed to and saw that steve was standing there. "Steve ! Why did you go away ? We were worried sick !" You said with an angry voice. Steve just looked at me and sighed "I just wanted to look at something over here."
"Y/n doll, could you please wait over there ?" Bucky asked me. I just nodded and waited for him there.

After about 5 minutes Bucky came back with a frown and he lead me back to the expo. "What happened ?" I asked him. "Well Steve still wants to go to the army and just won't let it go. He is really determined you know ?" Bucky responded. I just nodded and looked back to the show.

The Stark expo was done and we decided to see how Steve was doing.
We called out for him a few times and after about the 5th one we heard a faint "here!" Bucky took my hand and we followed the voice.

When we arrived , I could see that Steve was really happy. "Look ! I got into the army!" Steve was holding a piece of paper and Bucky was smiling and hugged him. "Congrats punk."

After that we all went home and I said my goodbyes to Bucky and Steve. Bucky promised to write letters to me everyday and kissed me one last time.

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