Morning Klutz

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Ara stood in the middle of her kitchen, her hair still wet in her ponytail that was beginning to curl rather ridiculously but she didn't have time to bother with it.  She crossed her arms over  one size too big blue flannel button up.

Glancing at the clock, biting her lower lip.  She had a little over half an hour till Niall Horan arrived.  With that, like a mad woman she began to clean the kitchen as fast as she could, hoping to make it presentable. 

Twenty minutes later she was quite satisfied as the kitchen was now as clean as she had ever seen it, releasing a deep breath, she grinned in congratulations to herself.  Finally getting a glass of milk for herself, she let her hair down hoping to finger comb through some of her curls to make them a little bit more controllable. 

Sitting on a stool in the kitchen, she quietly drank her milk in peace.  Closing her eyes, she breathed to five before getting started on her French toast.

Tying her hair back up once more, Ara then washed her hands before taking out all the necessary ingredients.


Niall left the Hanas' house, strolling down the street with his hands in his pockets, his Ray Bans covering his eyes as he tried to keep his head down.  There was little chance he would be spotted in the suburban neighborhood but he was just trying to stay inconspicuous. 

As he got closer to Ara's house, he tried to walk a little faster but spotting Ara through one of the windows, he stopped. Pushing his Ray Bans up in order to see better,  a slow smile spread over his lips  as he saw her rubbing her cheek with her hand that was holding a whisk.  He had to laugh when he even from his spot he could see her eyes widen as the substance on the whisk dripped onto the collar of her shirt.

"Ara," He whispered with a laugh as he watched the whole scene from afar.


"Gah!" Ara cried as she immediately put the whisk down to get a towel to clean the collar of her flannel top.  "Why me!" She groaned as she furiously wiped at the spot.  Looking up in frustration, her large brown eyes widened even more when she spotted Niall Horan right outside her window.  Her brown eyes met his amused cerulean ones.  Her towel dropped the same time her jaw did. 

With a loud laugh, Niall waved. 

"Oh my god." Ara scrunched her eyes closed.  Opening one eye, she couldn't help but notice that Niall looked like as if he was more amused than ever. 

Niall looked to where Ara was pointing to as she asked him to use the back door, closest to the kitchen. 

Saluting her, he did just that. 

"Hi," Ara tried not to squeak, but it came out as such anyway when the Irish male entered the kitchen.

"Mornin," Niall grinned at her before his eyes were immediately diverted to her stove.  "What's for breakfast?"


"Smells yummy," Niall said as he now sat on her stool with a glass of orange juice. 

"Thanks," Ara said with a wide grin.  "It'll be done soon if you want to get the syrup out of the refrigerator to warm up a bit." 

"Okay," Niall nodded before getting up to do just so. 

Flipping her bread, Ara looked from the corner of her eye but immediately wished she hadn't when she noticed that Niall was staring at her.  Looking up to catch her reflection on the microwave's surface, she immediately hoped that there wasn't anything on her face, that being her first thought on why Niall was staring.  Sighing in relief, she realized there wasn't.  So Niall was just staring at her... instead of making her relax,  a full blown blush spread over her cheeks. 

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