Garage Boy Band

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Niall groaned as he flopped onto Melina's old bed. He was staying with the Hanas'. He was welcome as much as Louis...if not more. Not that he would ever tell Louis or god forbid, he'd probably be banned. That jealous and possessive tosser. Anyone could see that Melina only had her heart set on Louis. But most importantly, he still did not know Ara's full name! Bullocks.

Feeling a buzzing, he looked down at his phone and saw that it was Melina.

"Hey," He answered tiredly.

"Hey cutie."

"Hey!" A voice objected in the background.

"Go away, you're supposed to be showering!" Melina yelled back. "Sorry Niall. But hey, I thin you said you wanted to ask me something important earlier tonight?"

Niall sat up, perking up. "Yes! Melina what is Ara's real name?"

"Her real name?" Melina repeatedly confused. "Oh!" She said, understanding the question a second later. "Maria, her given name is Maria."

Niall's jaw practically fell as West Side Story began to play in the back of his mind. "Wait are you serious, like Maria, I just met a girl named Maria?"

Melina laughed. "Yes, that very one. Which by the way she would probably love you forever if you ever serenaded her with her name." Melina teased. "I'm quite partial to Brooks and Dunn's Maria but there's honestly so many good ones."

"She probably has one of the most famous lyrical names of all time." Niall said, not even realizing Melina's tease, more concentrated that he finally knew Ara's given name. Maria...!

"Yep! Is that it Niall?"

"Yes thanks Melina."

"Okay night. My brothers' told me they'll drop you off at the airport in the afternoon so don't let them keep you up all night or stay up all night and sleep in instead of getting you to the airport. Night!"

"Thanks Melina," Niall grinned ear to ear.

Barely ten seconds after Melina warned Niall, Doran or Carsten, Niall still hadn't quite figured out how to differentiate them, barged into the room with drum sticks in hand. "Niall how about we play for some of the ladies in the neighborhood?"

Niall stared at him dumbfounded. He didn't even know the twins could play instruments... and ladies of the neighborhood?

Nonetheless he followed whichever twin it was to the garage. Mr. Hanas was helping set up a guitar while making sure that no on touched his precious car that he'd started working on after Melina had moved out. The other twin was behind an electric keyboard while Bradley was... was that an Obo? Niall was not sure but his attention was soon on their audience or "ladies of the neighborhood" which most seemed to be Mrs. Hanas' friends. There were some younger girls who looked like they might be in middle school. As Niall spotted them, they seemed to spot them.

"Oh my god!" A girl cried out as she realized that the Niall Horan look alike was not a look alike... but the real thing.

Niall didn't have anytime to instinctively duck when Elias Hana's handed him a guitar. "I think you'll do more justice to this than I ever will." Niall wasn't sure to blush or protest.

"We all want to see what you're capable of. If I would've known the boys would break out the old band gear, I would've made Mel and Louis stay to see what that boy was also capable of too. Just to be warned, this is a harsh crowd. My buddies and I have been booed more times than any bar we played at in our younger yeas." Elias winked at Niall before going to take a seat next to his only buddy that was willing to deal with the crowd of females.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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