Don't Say A Word: 2

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Madison had arrived to work early to prepare, she over looked Jervis' files twice. To say the least she was a bit nervous. And she wouldn't admit it, usually that's how she passed through the world unseen.

Just keep a straight face and deal with it. Anyways Jervis was usually more of a danger to women with blonde hair and blue eyes. Thinking they were Alice he would put them under the delusion they were 'his Alice' and unfortunately and usually ended with him lashing out and him killing them.

It was time for Jervis' interview. "Ready for him Doc?" she heard the familiar voice of Aaron Cash on the other side of the door. "Yes, bring him in" Madison said. Three guards brought in squirming Jervis. "Let me go! I need to find Alice!" he hissed. The hand cuffed him to the chair so he couldn't get up.

The files were right about the paranoid schizophrenia. He seemed nervous and a bit jittery. "Hello Mr Tetch, I'm Ms Lupin." Madison smiled.

"No time to sit or chat I'm looking for Alice and I've lost my hat" Jervis Tetch rhymed, kind of like singing it.

"Your looking for Alice, is she lost?"

"She keeps running away thats why I must find her!"

"But... Jervis you've said before to other doctors that you must use large amounts of psychoactive control to keep her. Why?"

"Alice never wants to stay, do you know where she is?"

"I'm afraid not..."

"I must go find her!"

"It's okay Jervis... Alice isn't here yet." she pulled out pictures of young girls that fell victim to Jervis.

"Now... do you know them" she showed one to Jervis of a girl around 17 blonde hair blue eyes in a pretty blue dress that looked like one from Alice in Wonderland.

"No... no I-I don't know, is Alice here yet?" Madison ignored his question.

"Look at her dress the bow in her hair, It's Alice is it not?"

"N-No Alice isn't... c-covered in blood!" Jervis cried he cowered a little.

"It's alright Jervis" she said

"How many more Alice's were there?"

"I-I-I don't remember..."

"I think we are finished for today Mr Tetch. Gaurds!" she called.

They took him away and Dr Smith walked in. "So how was your interview with Jervis."

"Heh, ugh Seems so innocent until you see his 'Alice's'."

"Yeah, that's probably what every single Alice thought 'till he took a tea pot or gun to their head..." She smiled.

"Also, you got another interview later today... Dr Peterson called in sick he has the flu..." she handed Madison the files.

Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow. She had heard many things about him, that he was once a doctor here at Arkham, a he wasn't really insane.

And he was the one yesterday who glare just scared the crap out of her. Great. "Hope you don't mind..." Dr Smith said apologetically. Madison shrugged.

"Doesn't bother me in the slightest."

Dr Smith smiled "Thanks" she said and left. Madison decided she better start reading if she wanted to make sure he wasn't going to twist her words or catch her off guard.

She actually found his file interesting. But what she found scary was how easy he got under people's skin.

Was going to be an hour before it was time for Jonathan's interview.

She pulled out a sketch pad she had hidden in her bag. She sketched constantly when she had free time. So all the time. She really just doodles, and they were quiet decent.

Not noticing the time an hour passed. "Ms Lupin are you ready for em' " she heard the guard asked. In a wick scramble she covered the sketch pad with her arms.

"Yes, bring him in..." she said. Jonathan actually seemed a little taller than the four guards that were restraining him. He had dark brown hair, with the same cold icy blue eyes.

They handcuffed him to the chair and walked back out waiting outside the door. "Hello Mr Crane, I'm Madison Lupin"

"Hello, has my usual doctor fallen ill?"

"Yes, but Mr Crane this isn't your session, if you please I will be asking the questions today"

"Of course Ms Lupin what ever you think is needed"

"Well, since I'm new here... let's ask... about your childhood. You lived with your grandmother. What happened to her it seems like after high school you ran from your home?" she just wanted to start with childhood situations.

"I killed her..." he said as if it were no big deal.


"You must have read my files why the simple questions"

"Why did you kill her?" Madison ignored his question. A small smirk grew on Jonathan's face.

"Could we move to a different subject this one bores me"

" 'fraid not"

"Interesting choice of words Ms Lupin, tell me what are you afraid of?" he asked. That question made her skin prickle.

"If I answer your question, will you answer on of mine?"

"Why not"

"I don't like to be alone"


"Now for my question, what drove you to make fear toxin?"

"Hmm... in high school I swore to over come my fears. And anyways they all interest me, everyone fears..."

"Nice" she shuffled in her seat, Jonathan saw her drawing when she shuffled, just a glimpse. Choosing not to state anything about that he said.

"Your uncomfortable, is it me?" he smirked. She didn't reply.

"I think we can be done with this session" Madison smiled.

"Guards" she called. Jonathan kept his same smirk as they dragged him out.

Madison sighed and put away her sketch pad. And rubbed her temples. "I found my new new fear gosh" she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

Don't Say A Word (GOING TO BE REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now