Don't Say A Word: 16

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"Go Fish" Amanda said. Madison drew another card.

"Any 5s?" Amanda asked

"Go Fish" Madison sighed

"This game isn't going anywhere"

"I know, I only got one pair and 10 cards in my hand. And somehow they are all different suits" Madison put her cards face down.

"When are they coming home?" She whined. Jonathan and Edward had been in Arkham for two weeks. "They must be on like some crazy lockdown." Amanda said

"We were on lockdown for a while." a male voice said.

"Edward!" Amanda smiled got up and hugged him.

"Joker got ahold of a bomb, and they're was some security stuff going on."

"Jonathan is out as well? Right?"

"Yeah, but he went home he didn't think to find you here"

"Well me and Amanda have been bonding since you were in Arkham. I'll be going home now. Bye Bye!" she smiled waving too them and hurrying home to a very missed husband.


"Jonathan dear?" Madison yelled walking in the door. Jonathan almost ran down the stairs and to her.

"Madison? Where were you? I just got back you weren't here! I thought-" she interrupted him by kissing him then hugging him.

"I was with Amanda the past two weeks."

"Oh... Sorry by the way. It was an unexpected turn of events."

"When you're apprehended by batman it usually is. The guy appears out of no where" she giggled. "But I'm glad you are home."


Madison was up early eating a spoonful of peanut butter. Her favorite morning treat besides coffee.

Jonathan was already in his lab, they both got up early. Which might also mean the kid getting up early, a lovely trait to inherit.

"What do you think of peanut butter. If I eat a spoonful of peanut butter everyday until you're born will you eat peanut butter in the morning with me?" she rambled to the being in her stomach that was just making a little bump not too visible.

"I don't think it has developed its hearing yet dear." she snapped her head around to see Jonathan walking out of his lab.

"What lured Dr Crane out of his lab before 10 am?"

"My coffee that I forgot" he smiled at her silly little remark.

"New formula?"

"No, still working on the same one you had a dose of" he said.

"Oh. Okay, I'm going to go back to eating my peanut butter and talking to peanut"

"Peanut? You nicknamed it?"

Madison gasped dramatically "You dare call little peanut an it?"

"I will call it an it until it starts to look like a human being"

Madison pouted "I'm still saying peanut"

"Why?" he laughed sipping his coffee.

"Because I'm determined to get this child to like peanut butter." she said and popped a spoonful of peanut butter in her mouth. Jonathan rolled his eyes. He walked back towards his lab.

"By the time it's born it will be sick of peanut butter" he shut the door behind him.

Madison looked an her new spoonful of peanut butter. "Maybe I could lay off a little" she said actually wondering about what Jonathan just said.


"Harley, have you met Amanda? Eddie's girlfriend?" Madison asked, she was on the phone with Harley. She was to lazy to walk or drive there.

"Oh yeah Amanda she's really quiet, but awfully nice!" she squealed.

"Yeah she-" Madison sat up from laying on the couch when she heard glass shatter.

"I'll call you right back." she hung up and cautiously walked to Jonathan's lab.

"Jonathan?" she opened the door

"No Madison! It's the new batch!" he cried, but the fear toxin that consumed the room flooded out and Madison inhaled it.



How will Madison react to the same toxin that she fell prey to scarecrow with. How will scarecrow react. What will happen to the child. Find out next time!

Two updates one day Wooo

I'm on a role because I'm nearing the end of the book! Yay

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