Don't Say A Word: 8

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"Harley!" Madison yelled knocking. She heard some stubbing but then Harley opened the door. "Maddie!" she squealed.

"Does this answer your question?" Madison smiled proud of her costume.

"Oh yay! I was a hoping you'd say yes!"

Then she saw Jonathan. "Oh hey Johnny! I sure you weren't expecting to have Maddie bust ya out did ya?"

Jonathan shook his head. "No, I didn't really expect Madison if all people to get me out of there"

Madison smiled proudly. "Well I didn't and now I'm officially stuck with you guys."

Harley nodded. "I'm going back home now, goodbye Harley" Jonathan said starting to walk away.

"Bye Harley!" Madison waved and followed Jonathan. Though not usually a bubbly exited person she really was exited about this.


"You can have this room" Jonathan said. Opening the door to a meidum sized room. it had a bed closet, nightstand, and two windows. "Why do you have extra rooms?"

"They were just here when i moved in."

"Well tomorrow I need to go get my cat, he gets mad when I'm gone"

Jonathan raised and eyebrow. "Sure... Well, goodnight..."


Jonathan shut the door, and she listened to his footsteps grow quieter. She sat on the side of her bed kicked of her shoes and set her hat on the nightstand. Since her dress/costume, was mostly made of a nightgowns it was comfortable to sleep it.

She curled up in the blankets and stared at the roof. She blinked not really tired. Her eyelid would not grow heavy. "Meh.. lets explore" she said quietly getting up and poking her head out her door. jonathan not there. She tiptoed to the top of the stairs. She crouched down and silently crawled down the stairs.

She peeked around the room. It was dark guessing Jonathan was asleep upstairs. She stood up and quietly walked into the room. Still no one. She walked in the kitchen, and through the next room. And in that next room she found a door. She found it kinda eerie just there in the shadows.

Which made her just want to open it more. She turned the handle softly and opened it. It creaked, and she bit her lip hoping Jonathan was a heavy sleeper. She stepped in and flicked on a light switch. It was a lab, syringes, test tubes, strage colored liquids, and papers of reaserch everywhere. "woah..." she walked in looking around. She lifted upa syringe filled with yellow liquid she figured was fear toxin.

"What are you doing?' she heard Jonathan say. She jumped "Holy crap" she turned around to see a sleepy Jonathan.

"You scared me... I was exploring"

"My lab?"


"You sound like Edward" he said with a tone of irritaion. She shrugged. "I didn't brake anything"

"Why are you up?"


"Wonderful." he walked out of the room. Madison smirked and walked out after him and flipping the lights off.


I kind of like this chapter what do you think?

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