Don't Say A Word: 17

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Terrifying visions overcame her sight, sounds were now distorted and monstrous.

She fell to her knees trembling then let out a scream. She could hear baby cries and the walls and floors began to melt around her.

Jonathan ran to her side, but he also inhaled the toxins and he screams were waking Scarecrow.

He struggled to push him down as he cradled his fear paralyzed wife.

Scarecrow pushed harder to get out, as she struggled to get away from Jonathan. Then terror struck Jonathan himself. The child what would this dosage do to it?

That was enough for scarecrow to break free. "Hush little baby" he sang softly. Madison kicked away from him.

Scarecrow pulled a syringe from his pocket "Don't say a word"

He got closer when she found herself against a wall. "Scarecrow's gonna buy you a mocking bird"

He jabbed the needle into a vein. She shrieked and crawled away to the living room. He followed her in there with a twisted smirk.

"Jonny boy sure does know how to find the most fearful doesn't he. Hmph can't imagine how your kid will be" he growled.

Madison kicked him in the stomach and scrambled away.

Jonathan came back, he groaned meeting an rather pained stomach. "Oww... M-Madison?" he groaned forcing himself to sit up.

All he could hear was her whimpers. He crawled over to her. "Madison... Oh No..."

"Get away!" she screamed as he reach his hand out to her.

"No! You liar! Get away from me!"

Jonathan flinched as she swung at him. She ran upstairs to her former room. "Madison!" he yelled.

She locked the door, collapsed and cried. "He lied... He lied... now he's not only hurt me..." she whimpered the visions fading and her hearing clear. "What will happen to my baby?"

She could hear Jonathan walk up the stairs. He knocked on the door lightly. "Madison? Please open up."

"No! Go Away!" she cried. The other side of the door got quiet.

Madison looked around desperate for an escape route. She was to scared to be with Jonathan. She needed distance.

Then a cold draft hit her. She looked the window was wide open. Looking at the door then back at the open window, she quietly crawled over to and out the window. She climbed down the fire escape.

Now where to go.


She knocked on the door. "Harley please!" she said, shivering. It started raining Halfway to Harley's and Joker's hideout.

Harley opened the door "Maddie?!"

"Please, J-J-Jonathan... F-Feartoxin" Madison clutched her stomach.

Harley pulled her inside and got her a blanket. "Oh Maddie I'm sorry."

"He's a liar! He broke his promise!" she started crying again. Harley wrapped her arms around Madison and let her sob into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Maddie, what happened?"

"R-Right after I-I hung up with you I-I-I went to check o-on Jonathan. I o-opened the door h-he accidentally d-dropped feartoxin."

"Well Maddie he didn't do it on purpose-"

"B-But that's not it! He came after me! H-his voice! And h-he injected me with more t-t-toxin!"


Madison nodded. Harley jumped up and walked away. Madison wrapped herself more in the blanket.

She heard Harley talking for a moment before she returned. She sat next to Madison again. "Don't worry you're safe"


Three hours later there was a knock on the door. Harley was somewhere. Madison blinked. "I'll get it." she murmured and walked to the door.

She gasped when opened it and tried to slam it.

"Madison please let me in!" Jonathan pleaded.

"No! No!"

"Maddie!?" Harley yelled. Madison let go of the door and ran. Jonathan running after her.

She wanted to stay away from Jonathan. She didn't want to be near him. Harley's home was rather big so there were many escape routes. She went a back door. "Madison!" Jonathan stopped running while she continued.

She knew one person that wouldn't tell Jonathan.


"He did that?" Selena asked handing her some hot chocolate Madison was soaked to the bone now. Madison nodded.

"Y-Yeah... I ran to Harley b-but she called him. He came for me. Will you tell him I'm here."

"No. No. But I can't say he won't come looking for you."

"Thank you Selena"

"No problem."


So Madison is hiding from Jonathan. Next chapter is going to be crazy. And Maddie and Jonny may be reunited again... :) we will see

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