Don't Say A Word: 14

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A/N: the reason I don't have the wedding scene is because I don't know how they work. And I was a bit lazy for the first half of this chapter.


It was it they were finally married, October 30th. It was a great wedding. Madison very cheerful and talked to everyone. (Which were actually only a few people due to they were all wanted criminals). And she hadn't cowered away from Jonathan. Making head way, from the incident with Scarecrow.

Jonanthan also couldn't be happier, to now legally with the love of his life. Hopefully never to lose her.

Madison and Jonathan didn't really celebrate besides getting drunk with a few of the other rouges, Madison passing out and Edward taking them home(After falling down stairs once or twice). That was really enough celebrating, because the next day they had massive hangovers and just layed around.


Two days later Madison was finally well enough to do something. She rolled out of bed, where Jonathan was still passed out. She walked/stummbled down the stairs half asleep and went to go get food. She looked around. No food, now that was not gonna work. "Jonathan! Get your but down here now! We have a situation! Very important!" she yelled.

Faster then she expectes she heard Jonathan walking down the stairs. He walked in half asleep. He glasses crooked and hair ruffled. "What's wrong"

"We're out of food"

"Oh." he said and walked off.

"Oh?" she followed him to the next room where he collapsed on the couch. "Is that code for 'go get some yourself.' ?"

He buried his face into the pillow. "Fine then, I will just go get some my self." Madison huffed walking upstairs to go get changed so she could go eat and not go hungry.


When she got back home Jonathan was still on the couch, but sitting up with a cup of coffee still half asleep. "You never seem to run out of coffee, but you happen to always run out of food. Do you run on coffee?"


"Ah" she walked past him to the kitchen and set the bags of groceries on the counter. She put them away and threw away the unneeded bags.

"You're boring. And I'm sure the news is boring. Why are you so boring."

"Madison, did you know there is more channels on the tv then the news?"

"I don't watch any other channels. So

I am going somewhere else" she said walking upstairs.

She went to her's and Jonathan's room. They now shared the room since Madison moved herself into the room after a while.

Madison laid on the bed, but then didn't feel good. She sprung up and ran too the bathroom. Throwing up her breakfast. "Ugh." she groaned cleaning her face. She panted before going downstairs again.

"Back so soon?"

"Uh-I umm I'm going to go see Selina."

"Selina? Wha-" she was gone before he could ask.


"Selina! Open up!" she knocked on her apartment door. Selina opened the door, looked slightly annoyed. "Whats wrong Madison."

"I have a few questions" she said placing a hand on her own stomach. Realization in what she meant struck her. "Wait. I have to throw up again" Selina moved aside and let Madison reach the bathroom.

"So what did you want to ask exactly."

"Well, first I came to you because of I would think you may know more about this. I've been throwing up all food yesterday and today. Yesterday I thought it was the alcohol, but it continued today. And I'm late"

"Oh... hold on." she got up and walked into the kitchen, pulled out a box our of the cupboard and walked back giving it to Madison. "Its good to keep one on hand" she smiled.

Madison went to the restroom returning in a few minutes. "Oh my god..."

She said walking back over to the table sitting down.

"So what is it?"



"Jonathan?" she said quietly as she walked in the house. No reply

"Jonathan..." she shut the door behind her. No reply. "Is he not here?" she walked all around the house then opened the door to his lab, and yelled.

"Great the one time I need him he vanishes" she sighed. She went upstairs and laid in bed staring at the roof. She placed a hand on her stomach still a little in disbelief that a child was now growing inside her. It scares Madison.

Well just brought back scary memories. Of the car accident, that took her mother's and soon-to-be born brother's lives.

She remembered arriving just as they rushed her to the E.R. Her brother was still born and her mother died of a massive hemorrhage in her brain because of the crash. Less than a year later her father overdosed. And her sister had blamed her.

Madison never knew why she ever blamed her. Madison had no control over it.

The sound of the door downstairs opening then closing stopped Madison's thoughts. She got up and walked over to the top of the stairs. She didn't see Jonathan.


"Yes Madison?"

"I have something to tell you" she said trying to process how to explain their new predicament.

"Okay, what?" he replied walking out of the kitchen with a puzzled and concerned expression.

"Umm, well you know I went to go visit Selina..." she started walking down the stairs.

"Yeah you were in a hurry, was something wrong?"

"No no... just I..." she placed a hand over her stomach again.

"I'm, p-pregnant"

Madison wasn't sure if Jonathan was in shock, or if he was upset. She couldn't read his face. She bit her lip, he wouldn't react badly would he?

She was afraid now. Jonathan had noticed her expression. "Madison, you don't need to be afraid. That's good news."

"But I am afraid. I was also afraid of your reaction."

"But Madison dear, why would I be anything other than happy or surprised. It's nothing to be afrai-"

"There is though Jonathan. So many things"

"We'll make it through this." he kissed her gently. "I promise you. You'll be fine"


This chapter I found complicated to write. As I explain at the top, I truly did not want to write the wedding scene, never been to one, don't know how it works. So we skip to the dramatic aftermath! Yay!

And thank you guys for all the comments and votes. I really appreciate it all! Keep reading!

(First half of this chapter is weird O.o)

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