Don't Say A Word: 9

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1 month later...

"So you gas out the place with fear toxin then we go in a take everything we can carry?"

"Yep, simple"

Madison put the mask over her face. "Let's go!" she smirked under the mask. Jonathan pulled his mask over his head.


The canister of toxin rolled in and soon the air was filled with enough of the stuff to break 50 minds.

They got in, Madison checking to see if any of the hostages just happened to set off the silent alarm. While Jonathan went to crack the safe.

Madison watched all of the bank workers and civilians roll around on the floor screaming. Some clawing at desks, the floor, even other people.

"Damn Jonathan, how strong is that stuff?"

"New batch, I originally wanted to test it on Batman first but this works- Aha" he got in.

"Hurry, here comes Gordon and his bunch" Madison looked out the window. "And Batty Boy is soon to follow I'm sure"

"Come on, out the back" he said. But Madison was right, Batman jumped through the window. "There's Batty" Madison ran after Jonathan for the fire exit.

But that wasn't going to happen. Like a flash Batman was after them. "Watch out!" Madison yelped. Jonathan sprayed the fear toxin at Batman. He didn't see affected. "Damn"

Jonathan swung at him just to get hit himself and pinned against the wall. Madison attempted to help but got thrown to another wall. "Ouch"

The police finally got in. Batman held Jonathan until they got handcuffs on him. "Onto to Arkham" Jonathan said as him and Madison were led out.


In Arkham Madison got a cell across from Harley's and between Jonathan's and Edward's. And a lot of questions from Jamie and Renee.

She smiled in false innocence "Hi you guys.. heh I uhh... guess I ran away with a crazy... heh heh"

"I'm not crazy Madison" she heard Jonathan say.

"Shut up Crane!" Renee snapped. Madison tried not to laugh when Jonathan snorted at Renee.

"Yeah, sorry" Madison smiled.

"Why always my co-workers and every good ones" Renee sighed. "Why did you go Madison?"

"I... kinda fell for a crazy" Madison shrugged and hung her head. Hiding from her friends gazes. Jonathan muttered something.

"Well I'm sorry Madison, but now you're stuck with him."


It was time for Madison's first interview at Arkham as a patient. Her doctor, Andrew Liam. A rather strange doctor.

But Madison could do nothing about it. She was taken to his office and handcuffed. Once the guards left Dr Liam spoke. "Hello Madison, I am Dr Andrew Liam."

"Yeah, I'm former Dr Madison Lupin"

"Yes, I read your files. You went missing for a month after you broke Jonathan out of Arkham."

Madison nodded and smiled proudly.

"Why did you break Jonathan out? Is he manipulating you?"

Madison shook her head. "No... I... after... two or three weeks of denying feelings for him... I guess I just decided to get him out" she half lied, not including the part about Harley and the note.


"I'm not another Harley. I didn't hopelessly fall in love with a psychotic abusive clown. I don't know if Jonathan's feelings for me are mutual but... he hasn't killed me yet. That must count for something."

Dr Liam seemed to get lost in his thoughts for a moment. "Ah. Well I think that's enough for today. You're cooperative. See you again tomorrow."

He said before the guards came in and took her out.


Madison sat in her cell. It was actually a bit quiet. She quietly sang bored in the silence.

"He handed me a pair of pliers

and he told me to pull out his teeth. Because as long as he had them

He'd use them to do bad things...

You're cold on the inside

There's a dog in your heart

And it tells you to tear everything apart-"

"Pretty dark song there Madison" Jonathan interrupted. "Still, nice voice"

"Oh umm thank you" Madison though no one could see her she suppressed a blush. Jonathan just gave her a very rare compliment.

"Now, want to discuss how to get out of here?"


Ohhh Maddie has friend problems going on. Next chapter they'll get out, and then a sweet part :) keep reading!

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