Part Seven

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The one that's all over the place

Not is in his office, stroking a catboy version of himself he willed into existence because he was bored.

Kevin: Hey Not...s we're out of mulk.

Not: Check again.

Kevin checks again.

Kevin from the kitchen: Not anymore!

Not sighs, throwing the catboy out the window, the catboy Not dying a gruesome death as it was exposed to the cold vacuum of space, the window fixed itself soon after.

Not: Kevin! Taking a trip down to five forty-two, don't break anything.

Kevin: I'm not a Destroyer God yet, I couldn't break anything you made if I tried.

Not: Oh you're still going for that, nice.

Not disappears in his usual fashion, not leaving a trace he was even there in the first place.

Kevin: You know I can't reach for Creator God without at least a trillion years of Destroyer experience. Ah, he's not even here anymore.

With Not, outside of Pet Co.

Not: Man, I hate being around mortals when they're not any fun.

Not walked into the store, determined to get something they didn't sell.

Not: So, tell me where the Racoon Dogs are.

Cashier: Sir, we don't sell that animal here.

Not: Oh I'm well aware, Jennifer, just tell me where they are and I'll leave you alone.

Jennifer apparently: I'm not gonna ask how you know my name, but Racoon dogs are usually found in East Asia.

Not: Hmmm, quite the peculiar Tick you've got there, being able to activate it without activating it.

Jennifer: How'd you know that?

Not peeked over the sunglasses that were definitely always on his face the entire time to look into Jennifer's brown eyes with his, I kid you not, rainbow-coloured eyes.

Jennifer: What the?

Not: They aren't that weird when you consider people can shoot lasers out of their eyebrows.

Jennifer: You aren't wrong, but they're still pretty abnormal.

Not: Jennifer Lang, Tick, All-Knowing, allows you to know anything even if you don't fully activate your Tick. You've got pretty mediocre marks since middle school despite knowing everything and your boyfriend cheats on you with your sisters best friend, who is sixteen by the way. Well, since you let me know where I need to go, I'll leave you with that little nugget of knowledge, buh bye.

As Not reached the doors he remembers something.

Not: Oh! Your Tick only tells you what you truly want to know, so sometimes your own emotions override the information your Tick gives you.

Jennifer stood slack-jawed staring at Not as he walks away.

Not's phone rang, after seeing it's his sister he turns his phone off.

Not: Don't wanna talk to that stuck up bitch right now.

As Not walks across the Pacific Ocean his backup phone, which only Kevin has the number to, rings.

Not: Sup?

Kevin: Umm, someone's here to talk to you.

Not: If it's my sister just throw her out the window, It should take her a while to hit a planet, then she won't be able to bother me.

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