Part Fifteen

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The Strongest and Last Host.

Because the last one ended with the ending of a day, it's only one day later.

Theo appears in Gwen's room right as she gets back from Hero High, sitting on her bed with his legs crossed.

Gwen: I wonder when Theo will-! Brando! What the hell are you doing in my room!

Theo: Here to deliver those coordinates I promised a couple of days ago.

Gwen: I thought you were going to throw a note through one of your weird portals that definitely shouldn't come with your Tick.

Theo: Yeah I was planning on doing that but I had nothing, and no one, to do. So I decided to just teleport on by.

Gwen: I thought you could only teleport to places you've been.

Theo tilted his head to the side with a quizzical look on his face.

Theo: However did you get that idea?

Gwen: Well I've only ever seen you appear in places I've seen you in.

Theo: Hmmm... you aren't wrong by the way I just wanted to know how you came to the conclusion. Anyway...

Theo lunged at Gwen, tackling her through one of his portals, appearing near a metal door with a valve.

Theo: So we're here, have fun.

Theo gave Gwen one of his goofy smirks. Different from the usual evil or mischievous smirk, this one conveyed an emotion of joy that wasn't sadistic or twisted.

Gwen was still disoriented, stumbling to her feet she glared at Theo.

Gwen: How'd you know I had my Hero Costume on under this?

Theo: I could feel it.

The goofy smirk changed into the usual mischievous and slightly evil Theo smirk.

Gwen picked up on the connotations of the look Theo is currently giving her.

Gwen: Perv.

Kevin: To clarify, Theo had filled the air in Gwen's room with his fire, unseen, similar to his "Ultimate Defence," which he used it to feel up Gwen.

Theo: I know I am, now go save my favourite person.

Gwen sighed before walking down the first few steps before being stopped by Theo.

Theo: Wait!

Theo quickly formed something akin to Ted's fire kunai but with hardened magma before tossing it at Gwen who caught it.

Theo: If he happens to come to his senses, give him that. No doubt he'll be shit out of luck on Inergy.

Gwen: Okay.

Gwen entered the underground bunker, activating her Tick once she saw someone, a large burly man with a bald head.

Gwen continued to sneak throughout the facility, ducking and dodging away from every person she came across, eventually coming across a room in which she could hear the sounds of moaning. She initially thought nothing of it till she heard his name.

Alana: Oh Ted! Have you gotten bigger in the last few weeks?

Gwen crept into the room, seeing a blue-haired whore on top of an emaciated boy with light grey hair and dead grey eyes.

Gwen remembered the note from 2 days ago.

"Also, he's got grey eyes and hair now"

Gwen: So that's what he looks like now?

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